Did you know True Wireless Stereo Devices Lead The Wearables Market, With Apple and Xiaomi Shepherding The Products

Did you know True Wireless Stereo Devices Lead The Wearables Market, With Apple and Xiaomi Shepherding The Products

In a report published by Counterpoint Research, True Wireless Stereo (TWS) hearables hold the most amount of stakes in the current wearables market, with Apple and Xiaomi leading their sales by a wide margin.

The wearables market is currently being dominated by TWS earphones and smartwatches. The likes of the AirPods and the Apple Watch has won the public over, as many flock to markets in search of them. And when Apple’s products prove to be a bit too pricey for their ranges, companies such as Xiaomi with their cheaper-end yet much more affordable prices are here to sway consumers to their side. This speculation is further confirmed by the recent Counterpoint Research report, which highlights the Wearable Shipments shares in Q3 (July, August, September) of 2020.

Earwear takes the cake with a whopping 52% of all shares from Q3, easily outshining many of the category’s fellow competitors. Not too far behind, however, is wristwear coming in at a rather hefty 41% for themselves. The remainder of our competition, skinwear, bodywear, and eyewear combined boils down to a measly 7%, from which 1% is owned by skinwear, while the remainder 6% is evenly distributed between bodywear and eyewear.

The first simple enough reason that comes to mind is that, in the interest of being fair, the technology world really doesn’t have all too much to offer in terms of bodywear and eyewear. Other than prosthetics for physically imparied individuals being offered by the former, and a rather unfortunate and unsuccessful Google Glass stint by the latter, there’s still a long way to go before headway’s made.

On the other hand, the TWS industry is booming. With auxiliary cables and wired headphones being nothing short of a hassle to deal with, the introduction of AirPods was an answer to everyone’s pleas. Easily portable, with a charger that doubles as a carrying case, this was exactly what the mobile generation needed. Smartwatches act as an extension of that very portability. While not providing the same uses such as answering the phone or listening to songs, their own functions and mobile accessibility helps them fit right in with tech addicts.

Apple’s presence in the wearables market is palpable, accounting for 29% of all TWS shares in Q3. Xiaomi, however, comes in cat second place with a surprising 13% share of the pie. This makes sense, considering how heavily both companies have invested in the technology. Samsung, our third place, comes in at a highly disappointing 5%, and it’s all downhill from there. Considering how much the current generation relies on mobile phones, and how well TWS act as add-on features to them, other tech companies had better start playing catch-up fast.