Experts Share 14 Things to Avoid for Better Sleep

Experts Share 14 Things to Avoid for Better Sleep

And please keep in mind: Some people do have undiagnosed sleep disorders.

If you’ve tried to change these habits and are still struggling with sleep, you could be experiencing an undiagnosed sleep disorder. 

“There are real sleep disorders that can impact on a person’s wakefulness at night,” Ford said. “Delayed sleep phase disorder often manifests as not being sleepy in the evening, and people find themselves up and doing things like scrolling social media. They believe they are ‘procrastinating’ bedtime, but in reality, they have a disorder of the body clock that means they are doing the activities because they aren’t sleepy, not [that] they aren’t sleepy because of the activities.”

To help you get the best night’s sleep you can, make an appointment with a sleep disorder specialist. Prioritizing sleep is important.

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