Here’s What Experts Say Makes For A Lasting Relationship

Here's What Experts Say Makes For A Lasting Relationship

When there’s openness and trust in a relationship, the idea of digging through your partner’s text messages or email just isn’t all that enticing. 

“In a healthy relationship, it would probably be pretty boring to go through their things,” said Spencer Northey, a marriage and family therapist in Washington, D.C. “Your partner has already told you the interesting highlights. Why read their work emails if that’s not your job? Why go through their drawers when you have your own chores to do? In a healthy relationship, there is no sense that anyone is hiding anything worth discovering.”

By the same token, strong relationships are able to withstand a minor privacy blip now and then — like when one partner happens upon something accidentally or sneaks a peek out of innocent curiosity. 

“Accidents, of course, are accidents, and should be forgivable if they were clearly unintentional,” Northey said. “And I also think some snooping or peeping is forgivable if the average person might also be tempted. Did you leave a strange bag out in plain sight? Inquiring minds want to know about it. Did a message with a puppy pic just pop up? Who got a puppy?”

Strong relationships can “navigate minor boundary violations easily,” she added. “They are par for the course, expected, and can even bring people closer together.”

6. They don’t lie to each other.

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