Hot Takes From Book Lovers That Are Kinda Controversial

Hot Takes From Book Lovers That Are Kinda Controversial


“Graphic sex has as much of a place as graphic violence, technically, it doesn’t HAVE to be there but it undeniably adds to the tone, atmosphere and maybe even gives character insight compared to a version of the same book without the graphic sex/violence.”

“If I’m reading a book about people who go on Viking raids, I expect violence and gore. If I’m reading a book about people who are sexually active, I expect sex. Don’t put those things ‘off-screen’ if those are things the characters are supposed to be engaging in.

Not saying this as a slight on you, but I think people are just prudes about sex. Like you said, it’s apart of life, so who cares if a character gets down and dirty? There’s no shame in it. Purity culture has made normal acts in everyones lives a taboo topic somehow.

And in case I get the reply of ‘So, you want to see the parts where a character poops? That’s part of life.’ It is, but taking a dump wouldn’t effect 99% of any plot. Two characters having sex though? That changes a fair bit. Even a character having sex with a no-name one-off that never returns after the sex scene is over? That can still show you a lot about them as a character that them taking a dump wouldn’t. The way a person has sex can tell you a lot about them.”

– u/PallasPenguino

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