How These Aussies’ Lives Changed After High School

How These Aussies' Lives Changed After High School


“I want to break this down into two parts because I think that’s the best way for me to frame my personal opinion: Academic and social.”

“Academically, while it isn’t the end of the world if you get low marks in your end-of-year exams, great marks do open doors — so if you are academically gifted, please do try your best, because it’s nice having options. That being said, there is always an alternative. Unis reward consistency and tenacity in work, so if you don’t get into the course you like there is always another way.

Socially-speaking, my late high school years were rough. My dad had cancer and I just became a wreck. So life after high school was actually better because eventually I was able to grieve less and resume living. I was also very shy in high school and terrified of girls. I started bartending when I was 19 and it really put me on the spot and helped me open up and have more confidence in myself. So everything about my uni days kind of eclipses high school.

Life I think always gets better and I believe that pathway lies ahead for you as well, but at the same time, the journey is fucking bomb and try and enjoy your last months of high school, because fuck it is a special time in your life.”


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