How to cancel Spotify Premium

Spotify has long been the music streaming app of choice, with its massive library and impressive ‘play next’ feature. Over the last few months, however, things have looked a little spotty for Spotify, with a big update that angered users, news about Spotify HiFi that annoyed others, and controversial podcasters that got on the nerves of just about everyone else. In this case, you may be looking for another streaming service, like Apple Music, to get your audio fix – along with a way to make sure that you’ll not pay the $9.99 a month Spotify subscription anymore. You need to cancel.

Thankfully, Spotify has made it super easy for you to cancel on all your devices, from your iPhone 14 to your MacBook Pro and your iPad mini in between. We’ve detailed each way below, from the mobile platforms (which work much the same) to how to cancel your Spotify subscription on your desktop.

Cancel Spotify on your iPhone or iPad

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