How to Craft a Full-stack Serverless App Using Angular with AWS Amplify?

A powerful app is necessary for every business to succeed, have a strong grip on the market, and expand customer reach.

Businesses can do much more than expected with a carefully designed and delivered app. As one plan to develop mission-critical business applications, flexibility, scalability, and reliability remains the priorities, and to achieve this, experts recommend using Angular and AWS.

Have no idea how these two will work together? Wondering if they should even be considered?

Well, we will learn about combining full-stack serverless app using Angular with AWS in this blog post.


Why Serverless App?


Before we delve deeper into the viability of combining Angular and AWS, let’s understand why your application development goal should be focused on being serverless. The serverless development approach involves handing over the job of procuring, managing, and operating the server-based infrastructure to third-party services and allowing Angular developers to give 100% attention to coding, security, scalability, and other important aspects of application development.

When you opt for a serverless framework, you don’t have to bear any burden related to server infrastructure management that drags the development, increases the operational cost, diverts the attention of developers, and reduces the time-to-market of an app.

In addition, serverless applications are highly flexible and scale with the least possible effort. With the right kind of serverless computing provider, you even get an auto-scalability facility that is a time and effort saving move.

Serverless apps are known for their high availability and great fault tolerance. The great part is that there is no need to do further designing for these capabilities. With a serverless app, you’re paying for resources that are active and adding value. There is not a single penny paid for idle capacity that is great for managing the operational expense because there is no pre or over-provision capacity attached to you.

Now that you know going serverless is the best move to make, let’s shift our attention to how you can build a full-stack serverless app by combining Angular and AWS.


Angular and AWS- The Magical A-Pair to Combine Full-Stack Serverless App


The priority for every business seeking a fully-optimized and feature-rich application development process remains to select the right technology stack. AWS and Angular are two technologies that fit in well here.

As we all know, Angular is an open-source TypeScript-based application development framework that is useful for SPA and web-based applications. It provides a wide range of development resources and assistance to developers.

AWS is not an application development framework. But, it’s a globally famous cloud provider. It offers numerous cloud services to cater to all sorts of cloud computing requirements.

As one aims to develop full-stack serverless applications, these two can combine so that the resulting application is flawless in every single sense. The notable offering of AWS in this regard is AWS Amplify, which empowers Angular developers so much so that they can handpick the development platform and use it as the project demands. Because of this freedom, Angular developers can improve the quality of front-end development and develop highly effective and productive applications.


AWS Amplify – What And Why?


th Angular. It provides your team of Angular developers fully-developed AWS backend for web, Android, and iOS application developments with unmatched data, storage, authentication, and many more capabilities.

AWS Amplify offerss everything essential for building and hosting a full-stack Angular app on AWS without demanding extensive cloud expertise.

Have a look at key feature that AWS Amplify provides for full-stack serverless development.

  • Amplify libraries,g., aws-amplify, aws-amplify-angular.
  • Cloud serviceslike authentication, REST and GraphQL APIs, storage, analytics, chatbots, notifications, AWS Lambda functions, and extended reality (AR/VR).
  • Amplify CLIenables developers to configure and integrate cloud services seamlessly.
  • Multiple UI componentslike authenticator, chatbot, Amazon Sumerian scene, photo-picker, picture album, and chatbot.

Clearly, AWS Amplify provides everything essential, making full-stack development easy to proceed and automated as much as possible.

Regarding its compatibility with Angular, you will be relieved to know that AWS Amplify is designed to work with all the leading development frameworks, including Angular.

For instance, Amplify CLI is great for service calibration and assisting in powering the backend of the application.

Amplify library permits Angular developers to use case-centric client libraries that effortlessly integrate with the declarative interfaces.


Building Full-Stack Serverless Angular App With AWS – The Basics


Now that you know the power of combining Angular and AWS for full-stack serverless deployment, you should learn the basics of using these two technologies.

Let’s start with knowing the basic requirements, which include:

  • An active AWS account
  • npm v6.14.4 or later
  • js v14.x or later
  • git v2.14.1 or later

Once you’re equipped with these basic requirements, it’s time to start the process. The steps involved are:


Before you install CLI, you need to make sure that AWS Amplify is fully configured. Thereafter, run this command:

npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli

Once installed, perform the configuration using your credentials.

amplify configure

This will take you to the AWS Console. As you continue here, you need to determine the AWS Region and IAM user’s username. Make sure that the latter is amplify-app. 

To create a new IAM user, you have to go to AWS Console > Permissions > Tags > Review > Create User.

Return to the CLI and hit Enter.

Use the below-mentioned commands to enable an access key for newly created users.

accessKeyId: YOUR_INPUT

secretAccessKey: YOUR_INPUT

Keep the profile name as Default.

Now, you’re registered as a new AWS Amplify user and are all set to configure your first full-stack serverless app.


  • Set up the AWS Amplify environment for the app

One key feature of AWS Amplify is that it enables end-users to design various ecosystems to make your preferences and settings goals clear. To set up the Amplify environment, use amplifies init command.

You will have a series of questions and you need to answer them as follows.

  • amplify-app as the project name
  • dev as the amplified environment name
  • Visual Studio Code as default editor
  • JavaScript is the type of app
  • Angular as JavaScript framework
  • scr as the source directory path
  • dist/amplify-app as the distribution directory path
  • npm run-script build as build command
  • ng serves as a start command
  • Yes as the answer to theWish to use an AWS profile?’ question
  • Default a profile

Amplify CLI has now started a new project under the new folder: amplify. All the project configurations are saved in this folder.

<amplify-app> > amplify > .config > #current-cloud-backend > _ backend

And the file is:



AWS Amplify allows application authentication facility using auth category and provides direct entry to AWS Cognito. Use amplify add auth command to activate authentication.


  • Move the modified version to the cloud 

Now is the time to move the cloud resources provisioned. You must have your AWS account ready for it. The command is:

amplify push


  • Configure the Angular application  

To begin the process, you need to reference the auto-generated aws-exports.js file. This is present in the src folder. Start the configuration, open main.ts, and add enter the below-mentioned codes.

import Amplify from ‘aws-amplify’;

import amplify from ‘./aws-exports’;


Import the Angular application

To import the Angular application, add the Amplify module and service to src/app/app.module.ts.

Here is the command that will help you in the process.

import { AmplifyAngularModule, AmplifyService } from ‘aws-amplify-angular’;@NgModule({

imports: [



providers: [




Your first full-stack serverless application is all set to work.


Take the help of the AmplifyService command to access AWS Amplify core categories with the help of dependency injection.


  • Use Authenticator Component

Use the below-mentioned app to add an authenticator component to the app.




You need to access the user’s data after a successful signed-in call currentAuthenticatedUser(). Doing so will return a promise.

import { AmplifyService } from ‘aws-amplify-angular’;@Component(…)

export class AppComponent {

constructor(public amplify: AmplifyService) {




  • Publish the app using AWS Console 

As your app is ready to publish, you need to generate a new repo for this new project and copy the project URL to the clipboard.

git init
git remote add origin
git add.git commit -m ‘initial commit’
git push origin master

Go to your AWS account and access AWS Amplify Console. Click on Get Started. Authorize your repository to provide, select a new repository, and branch it into a new project.

Click on Next, create a new role, and use this role in AWS Amplify Console. Now go to Next > Save > Deploy.

That’s it. You now have a full-stack serverless app with Angular and AWS ready by your side, but technical proficiency to get the job done. We strongly recommend you to hire Angular developer with AWS expertise from us to develop high-performing and robust web apps.

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