Improving the usability of your modules

This last week I worked on my team’s internationalization (aka i18n) solution.
We call it react-i18n (if we ever open source it, we’ll need to rename it,
because that’s already taken). It’s
pretty neat and really small. I’m not going to talk about why we don’t use any
of the myriad of other tools that do this (maybe I’ll save that for another blog
post). What I want to talk about is something I did to make that module more

One feature of the module is that it will automatically load your
server-rendered content for you. At PayPal we have another module called
react-content-loader. This is an express middleware that relies on conventions
used in Kraken and inserts the content for the user based on their language
preferences. For example, let’s say that you have a file:

// locales/US/en/pages/
header.title=PayPal Rocks
header.subtitle=No really, it does

Then this middleware would insert this in the bottom of your page (for US users
with en as their preferred language):

<script type="application/json" id="react-messages">
    "pages/home": {
      "header": {
        "title": "PayPal Rocks",
        subtitle: "No really, it does"

Then react-i18n will automatically load that on the client side. All you have
to do is use it:

import getContentForFile from 'react-i18n'
const i18n = getContentForFile('pages/home')

function App() {
  return (

So that’s how it works (again, I’m sure some of you are thinking of
other libs that could do this
better, but please spare me the “well actually.” I’m aware of them, I promise).
Now that you understand basically how this works, I want to talk about a few
things that I changed about it to make it more usable

I'll show you

No side-effects on import

So you’ll notice that when we use react-i18n on the client in the example
above, we don’t have to do anything to initialize or bootstrap it with content.
It automatically gets those from the DOM. It does this inside the main export
from react-i18n. This way when you import react-i18n, loading the content
happens for you. This is a handy feature. But it comes with the trade-off that
the main module in react-i18nhas side-effects in the root-level of the
module. For example:

// react-i18n/index.js
// ... stuff
// side-effect!
const content = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('react-messages'))
// ... more stuff
export {getContentForFile as default, init}

This presents a few challenges for users of the module. It means that they
have to be aware of what happens when they import your module
. They have to
make sure that they don’t import your module before the global environment is
ready for it. And that problem manifests itself not only in the application
environment, but also in the test environment! And unless you take care to give
good warnings when the environment isn’t ready (if you even know), people will
get cryptic error messages when doing seemingly unrelated tasks (like importing
some module that happens to import your module somewhere in the
dependency graph).

Another issue is that there could be a reason to configure the initialization
. What if my node doesn’t have the id react-messages, but instead
uses i18n-content? Or what if I don’t server-render the messages at all and
they’re coming from an ajax request? Turns out that react-i18n actually
exposed another module react-i18n/bootstrap to customize this behavior which
is great, but that doesn’t resolve the problem of stuff happening if someone
were to import react-i18n first.

So what I did was a wrapped all side-effects in a function I exported called
init(which was similar to the bootstrap thing it already exported):

// react-i18n/index.js
// ... stuff
function init(options) {
  // ... other stuff
  // side-effect! But it's ok now because that's clear
  const messages = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('react-messages'))
  // ... other other stuff
// ... more stuff
export {getContentForFile as default, init}

So this means that anyone using the module now must call the init function,
but they’re doing that on their own terms and whenever they want it to happen
which I think is the key difference. It doesn’t matter whether someone imports
this module before initialization takes place. It also gives us an opportunity
to give a more informative error message if they fail to initialize before they
start using the module.

The key is that your module shouldn’t do side-effects when it’s imported.
Instead, export functions which perform the side-effects.
This gives the users
control over when and what happens. Even better is to not have any side-effects
at all if you can help it (which is actually also possible to accomplish with my
reworking of react-i18n), but that’s a subject for another newsletter.

Make it generic

Before, this library was actually just a part of our app. So we could easily
rely on the fact that the JSON object was a nested object where the first key
was the name of the localization file and the rest was just a nested version of
the contents of that file (as you can tell in the example above). And the
implementation and examples in the docs were all geared toward this use case.
However, we’re in the process of “inner sourcing” this module (and perhaps open
sourcing it eventually), so folks are going to use it who use different tools
and have different use cases.

So, if it’s not too much work and doesn’t add too much complexity, then try
to make the solution more generic. So now, the implementation doesn’t care about
the fact that the root level of the localization object is a file name and the
rest is the contents of that file. All it cares about is the fact that it’s a
nested JavaScript object. This means that whereas before, you had to do this:

import getContentForFile from 'react-i18n'
const i18n = getContentForFile('pages/home')

// etc...
// etc...

You can now do this:

import getContent from 'react-i18n'

// etc...
// etc...

So each invocation of getContent will return the content or if the content is
another nested object it’ll return another content getter function. I call this
“sota-curried” because it’s not really currying, but it kinda looks like it a
little bit.

Now PayPal’s react-i18n is more generically useful because the implementation
and documentation don’t assume you’re using react-content-loader. And as it
turned out, doing things this way actually made the implementation simpler!

I should mention also that you can’t predict the future, and that’s what you
sort of have to try to do when building a generic library. While you’re doing
this, you need to balance usability with the
YAGNI principle. I only put this
effort in because we were extracting this from our project so others could use
it and we needed to support these use cases. Beware of pre-mature optimizations
(that’s not limited to performance situations, but also features/complexity as

There were several other things I could talk about, but I’m going to wrap this
email up with this. I hope that you find ways to remove side-effects from the
root-level of most of your modules and find ways to make your solution more
generic without sacraficing usability or implementation complexity.

Good luck! And stay awesome 😎

Who's awesome? You are!

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