Inside The Lives Of Families Affected By Serial Killers

Inside The Lives Of Families Affected By Serial Killers

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“I began to barricade my bedroom door with furniture when I got home from school or before I went to bed at night. I also began to sleep with scissors and knives under my pillow. I was so traumatized that at one point I tried to drown myself in the bathtub and hoarded pills from our medicine cabinet with the intent of ending my life. Before I had even turned 10 years old, I was a suicidal kid with a homicidal father,” she wrote.

“I began to wonder if I would snap and start killing people, too. I wondered if I had monster genes. […] The worst was from relatives who saw me as a hindrance to erasing my father. My grandmother introduced me to her friends as her great-niece. Two family members told me to keep the murders a secret or ‘no one would ever marry me.’ One relative even told me, ‘Look what you brought to our lives, you selfish little bitch.’ I was nine.”

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