Kinou Nani Tabeta? dj – Kenji to Shiro-san by Yoshinaga Fumi | MangaKast

Kinou Nani Tabeta? dj – Kenji to Shiro-san by Yoshinaga Fumi | MangaKast

Is it really a doujinshi if the canon’s author wrote it herself?

I love Kinou Nani Tabeta? / What Did You Eat Yesterday? but I always wished it was a bit more smutty. Well, guess what? It turns out, so did the author. She wrote a whole volume of smutty “missing scenes” for her manga and included them in a canon (?) doujinshi called Kenji to Shiro-san / Kenji and Shiro.






Of the five chapters in this volume, my favorite is probably the second one because it deals with one of The Kinou Nani Tabeta? fandom’s biggest questions: who tops who and how did they decide? I mean, we know what Kenji says, but is it really possible that Mr. Control Queen Lawyer really isn’t in charge during sex?

For myself, I’m just happy to see Kenji getting laid. Honestly, I love Shiro, but the official canon makes him seem really unapproachable. So I am delighted by what this volume gives us–so much happy sexy times. We even find out in one of the later chapters that Shiro is a bit kinky! Be still my beating heart.

I don’t want to go to far into what exactly happens, since there isn’t a huge amount of story here, but I feel like Yoshinaga kind of redeems herself with this doujinshi. I’d often felt like maybe Shiro had too much internalized homophobia to ever get it on, and since we never saw in of it “on screen” in canon, I sometimes left Kinou Nani Tabeta? feeling sad for both Kinjo and Shiro. In the doujinshi, they even say “I love you” more than once.

It’s nothing short of miraculous and pretty much everything I have ever wanted for this couple.

The art is classic Yoshinaga-sensei, plus we learn things about Shiro’s previous lover and how his relationship with Kinjo evolves over time, behind the scenes. There is less food, more sex. What else do you need? If you haven’t read the original, I’m not sure how much it will make sense, but if you’re already a fan, this is a must-read.

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