“Late Bloomers” Share How Their Dating Lives Worked Out

"Late Bloomers" Share How Their Dating Lives Worked Out


“I was extremely shy and closed off in middle and high school. I had crushes on several guys, but that was the extent. Many people would ask why I didn’t date, but it just wasn’t something I was pulled to do. I’d have loved to have someone around, but I was too scared to initiate anything because anyone I liked didn’t feel the same. I also had never been asked out, so why bother? I didn’t have my first date and boyfriend until I was 26. It lasted a year but never got physical. He was really odd about it. Come to find out, he’s gay. (No wonder he didn’t like to make out, LOL.) The first time I got physical with someone, I was extremely nervous. I felt dumb and didn’t know what to do. I then met my current partner in 2018, and it’s been magic. I’m glad I waited and extremely lucky to have found someone who didn’t judge my lack of experience.”

“That first time I got physical, I felt so out of loop. He was very physical — that’s all he seemed to want to do while we were dating for the month. On the other hand, I was like, ‘Can we do anything else?’ I just wasn’t ready. He didn’t pressure me or anything, he just seemed to want to get in my pants more than he wanted to do anything else together.”


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