Meditation- to live life better way.

At the time of pandemic everyone is finding a better way to transform themselves.In the world meditation is one of the famous and simple  method since ancient time to do so. Since 2500 years people are associated with this method . Even though it is very old, it is still fresh.
 How to  Do? 
it is   simple
 ” Mindfulness of breath”

Concentratating  cautiously on in -breath  ( Aan)  and  cautiously out-breath  ( Apaan ). 
Thoughts will keep coming  in the mind still we have to focus on our breath  
 It is called as आनापान साधना
Being thoughtless is not our goal in meditation everytime concentrating on breathing is important in meditation.
One Thing: Breath 

“One thing, when developed and cultivated is of  great fruit and benefit. What one thing?  Mindfulness of breathing”. —The Buddha 

Mindfulness of breath has been the most important meditation practise from the time of the Buddha. How does one practise it? 
… one sits down cross-legged (if possible, but not essential), sits upright, and sets up mindfulness at the tip of the nose.  Just mindful she breathes in, mindful she breathes out. Breathing in long she knows ‘I breath in long’; or breathing out long she knows ‘I breath out long’. Breathing in short she knows ‘I breath in short’. Breathing out short she knows ‘I breath out short’.  As she settles into her meditation, she practises thus, ‘feeling the whole body, I breath in’. She practises thus: ‘feeling the whole body, I breath out’.  

It is not easy to be aware of in-breath and out-breath. The moment one starts being aware of the breath, one finds that mind wanders helter-skelter. Then one has to tame it by various means.  Be patient. Don’t get upset at the wandering mind but keep bringing it back to breath. 

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