Men Share Secrets They Keep From Their Partners


“Back when we were dating, we went out of town with her youngest child. The older boy, 17, stayed behind because he had to work and what not. I left my car at her house along with the keys. Long story short, when we got back I noticed something ‘off’ about my car. I got in it and realized somebody else was there at some point. So I took a look at the dash cam footage. It’s kinda hidden behind the rearview mirror. Hard to see it unless you looking for it. Her son took it for a joyride while we were gone.”

“Nothing crazy, didn’t go down the strip doing burn outs and picking up girls. Nice, leisurely drive through the neighborhood. I ended up confronting him about it man-to-man. We settled that and I agreed to never tell his mom about it. She already had a lot going on in her life being a single mom, and it wasn’t like there was any harm. He was all around a good kid. I would’ve gave him the keys if he had just asked. He’s 23 now has a lil’ family of his own. She and I got married. Still haven’t told her, but gonna use it one day at some family get together, lol.”


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