Native Bindings for JavaScript – Why Should I Care? – Grape Up

At the very beginning, let’s make one important statement: I am not a JavaScript Developer. I am a C++ Developer, and with my skill set I feel more like a guest in the world of JavaScript. If you’re also a Developer, you probably already know why companies today are on the constant lookout for web developers – the JavaScript language is flexible and has a quite easy learning curve. Also, it is present everywhere from computers, to mobile devices, embedded devices, cars, ATMs or washing machines – you name it. Writing portable code that may be run everywhere is tempting and that’s why it gets more and more attention.

Desktop applications in JavaScript

In general, JavaScript is not the first or best fit for desktop applications. It was not created for that purpose and it lacks GUI libraries like C++, C#, Java or even Python. Even though it has found its niche.

Just take a look at the Atom text editor. It is based on Electron [1], a framework to run JS code in a desktop application. The tool internally uses chromium engine so it is more or less a browser in a window, but still quite an impressive achievement to have the same codebase for both Windows, macOS and Linux. It is quite meaningful for those that want to use agile processes. Especially because it is really easy to start with an MVP and have incremental updates with new features often, as it is the same code.

Native code and JavaScript? Are you kidding?

Since JavaScript works for desktop applications, one may think: why bother with native bindings then? But before you also think so, consider the fact that there are a few reasons for that, usually performance issues:

  • Javascript is a script, virtualized language. In some scenarios, it may be of magnitude slower than its native code equivalent [2]. 
  • Javascript is characterized by garbage collection and has a hard time with memory consuming algorithms and tasks.
  • Access to hardware or native frameworks is sometimes only possible from a native, compiled code.

Of course, this is not always necessary. In fact, you may happily live your developer life writing JS code on a daily basis and never find yourself in a situation when creating or using native code in your application is unavoidable. Hardware performance is still on the uphill and often there is no need to even profile an application. On the other hand, once it happens, every developer should know what options are available for them.

The strange and scary world of static typing

If a JavaScript Developer who uses Electron finds out that his great video encoding algorithm does not keep up with the framerate, is that the end of his application? Should he rewrite everything in assembler?

Obviously not. He might try to use the native library to do the hard work and leverage the environment without a garbage collector and with fast access to the hardware – or maybe even SIMD SSE extensions. The question that many may ask is: but isn’t it difficult and pointless?

Surprisingly not. Let’s dig deeper into the world of native bindings when as an opposite to JavaScript, you often have to specify the type of variable or return value for functions in your code.

First of all, if you want to use Electron or any framework based on NodeJS, you are not alone – you have a small friend called “nan” (if you have seen “wat”[3] you are probably already smiling). Nan is a “native abstraction for NodeJS” [4] and thanks to its very descriptive name, it is enough to say that it allows to create add-ons to NodeJS easily. As literally everything today you can install it using the npm below:

Without getting into boring, technical details, here is an example of wrapping C++ class to a JavaScript object:

Nothing really fancy and the code isn’t too complex either. Just a thin wrapping layer over the C++ class. Obviously, for bigger frameworks there will be much code and more problems to solve, but in general we have a native framework bound with the JavaScript application.


The bad part is that we, unfortunately, need to compile the code for each platform to use it and by each platform we usually mean windows, linux, macOS, android and iOS depending on our targets. Also, it is not rocket science, but for JavaScript developers that never had a chance to compile the code it may be too difficult.

On the other hand, we have a not so perfect, but working solution for writing applications that run on multiple platforms and handle even complex business logic. Programming has never been a perfect world, it has always been a world of trade-offs, beautiful solutions that never work and refactoring that never happens. In the end, when you are going to look for yet another compromise between your team’s skills and the client’s requirements for the next desktop or mobile application framework, you might consider using JavaScript.

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