New Types of Trends in Mobile Application Development

2018 holds a lot of promises and according to a recent survey it is estimated that the market for mobile Apps saw an enormous rate of growth, at a staggering 96.5% from the year 2011 to 2017. These are some real serious numbers and this is estimated to grow at a rapid rate in the coming years as well. By the end of the year 2020, the mobile App industry is estimated to reach at about $100 Billion! So, keeping these numbers into consideration, let’s have a look at the mobile app development trends to watch out for in the year 2018.

Hybrid Technologies

In the year 2018, Hybrid technologies are estimated to take a lead. For an active Hybrid App development that is quick and agile, many App developers will be using new and trusted platforms simultaneously in order to bring a change in the current trend. How they use it and how they apply will be an interesting see.

Authentication and Security

Technology is running at a very fast pace but they have attracted security threats at the same time as well. Developers must adopt authentications and security at levels so that they will be offering much better protection against threats. iOS developers might not be as subjected to threats as the Android developers are, but Google is coming up with more granular app permissions models that offers automatic security updates.

IoT and Mobile App

It is estimated that the profit from Internet of things along with the Mobile App development is going to increase by at least two folds in the year 2018. This opens up a lot of opportunity for anyone who is looking forward to an integration of IoT and taking the App development to an entirely next level.

GPS based Apps

Remember how Pokémon Go took the world by storm and how it made people crazy? Well, if you are able to develop an App of that sort, then you can be sure to get millions of downloads in no time! Augmented reality (AR) holds a lot of potential and could be a shape of the trends to come. Based on location-tracking functionality it offers you a lot of space to work and add options that is sure to get users hooked for quite a long time.

Enterprise Apps

The biggest advantage that you have with the enterprise App is the ability to have a connect with your clients 24/7. Enterprise Applications have seen a lot of spike recently and Apps that are dedicated to business and Day to Day activities and tasks, it makes them a lot easier. CRM mobile Application that uses an active Enterprise is a fairly good example of it, as it offers a real time update to any changes that is being made and it also lets you have a look at the sales update.

UI/UX and App Designing

UI/UX is going to rule the year 2018 because in any App development the user experience always comes on top and they are one of the best and biggest parameters, when it comes to measuring the success of a mobile Application. App designing must be done in a way that appeals the user to use it and further recommend it. The design must be tempting with a layout that is fluid and very easy to use. The current Nougat update from Android has introduced split-screens and it opens up a lot of opportunity to the App development world. The other trends to watch out for are Micro Interactions, Grid-Based Interface Designing, Parallax Graphics, and Splash Screens Visuals.

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