No AnimeNYC for Us – Reverse Thieves

Hello, all! Kate here.

In a strange turn of events, neither Al or I ended up attending AnimeNYC 2022 despite it being our backyard convention. A combination of pandemic, work, and holiday plans, plus for me a less than stellar experience last year all conspired together to keep us away. I honestly don’t know if I’ll be attending any AnimeNYC in the future. I could say it because of their lack of coordination every year despite being a for-profit con with a premium ticket price. But I’m not so delusional to believe if they happened to get something I was really interested in that I wouldn’t go back. However, it is a lot easier for me to say no to AnimeNYC despite the relative ease of location since I’m lucky enough to be able to attend Otakon to get my anime convention fix every year.

Join us on Discord and tell me what are your priorities when attending a con!


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