We should always ship fast experiences to our users, but sometimes something slips through our PR review process and our users start having a slow experience. Unless they complain to us, we often have no way of knowing that things ...

In this article, we’ll look at how to generate random numbers in JavaScript with Math.random(), building a function that you can reuse for a wide range of purposes — such as loading random images, picking a random element from an ...

Watch “When to useState instead of useReducer” on egghead.io Watch “When to useReducer instead of useState” on egghead.io Whenever there are two things to do the same thing, people inevitably ask: “When do I use one over the other?” There ...

Everything is accessible on the Web through requests. If you need information from a web page in your Python application, you need a web request. In this article, we’ll dig into Python requests. We’ll look at how a web request ...

If you’re using react@>=16.8, then you can use hooks and you’ve probably written several custom ones yourself. You may have wondered how to be confident that your hook continues to work over the lifetime of your application. And I’m not ...