Did you know You’ll Be Shocked How Much Data Apps Collect Without Your Permission The fact that a lot of apps harvest user data and information has been the source of much controversy because of the fact that this is ...

Did you know Apple Is About To Make iPhone’s Security Impenetrable For Hackers Apple’s new security technique in iOS 14.5 version has been made to be almost impossible for nation-states hackers to hack the iPhones. Being the world’s biggest smartphone ...

Did you know Cybercriminals are continuously changing their ways for attacks through a new phishing scam which is capable of bypassing old-style URL defense Cybercriminals are continuously trying new ways to trick you so that they cannot get detected by ...

You know Twitter’s “Review Before You Tweet” Feature Is Back To Prevent The Use Of Harmful Language Twitter launched the beta model of the ‘review before you tweet’ feature on iOS last year in May 2020 which was made to ...

Did you know Starlink Internet Speeds to Double in 2021, Says Elon Musk Elon Musk has been climbing rather rapidly in terms of his influence within the tech industry as well as the world in general. His biggest company right ...