Did you know Data Reveals Social Media Shopping Highly Popular With Gen Z, Millennials (infographic) Part of the new wave of innovation that a lot of social media companies have started to leverage in involves incorporating online shopping into their ...

Did you know Instagram has acknowledged and fixed its mistake with its algorithm of promoting diet content to users with eating disorders Instagram is one of the biggest social media platforms where people share photos, videos, and a number of ...

Did you know Facebook conducted a survey to highlight strategies for marketers on how they can benefit their brands during the month of Ramadan To see how the Muslims of the world are celebrating Ramadan this year, and how that ...

Did you know Android 12 Will Be Showcasing A New Security Feature That Is Already A Part Of Apple’s iOS A report from XDA states that the upcoming Android 12 will be borrowing a page of out Apple’s book. Particularly, ...

You know Here Are the Android 12 Features We Might See According to the Leaks Android 12 is perhaps Google’s most eagerly anticipated update of their mobile operating system. It has the potential to be a real game changer for ...