Did you know New Study Reveals that 9 in 10 of US Teens Want To Own an iPhone As per a recent survey by Piper Sandler, Gen Z happens to be big fans of Apple products. The survey, in which ...

Did you know Hiring Managers Now Also See Your Political Stances That You Easily Post On Social Media, Here Is How They Do It While one may call it as “freedom of expression” but over the period of time as ...

Did you know Internet of Things Malware Attacks Increase by 152% in North America in 2020, Other Continents also Witness a Significant Spike It goes without saying that Internet of Things (IoT) devices’ prominence has increased over the years. Today, ...

Did you know Apple, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook are a lot richer than most of the countries Have you ever think about how powerful these renowned tech companies of the world are? These companies include Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, and ...

Did You know the ‘Zoom boom’ over? The start of 2021 has seen us face a series of dubious anniversaries – a year since the first cases, deaths and lockdowns caused by Covid-19 in countries across the world. These milestones ...