You know iPhone is at top of the of list best-selling smartphone in the world according to the stats of Q4 2020 Apple company has maintained its standard not only in privacy but also in the performance of the phone, ...

Did you know DoubleVerify releases a report that marks the effects many horrific incidents from last year caused all around Last year in 2020 the world witnessed many challenges that were completely unimaginable. Out of the many things which we ...

You know Researchers from the University of Cambridge were able to uncover the very basis of extremist attitudes Extremist attitude tends to get developed in people from a really young age. It depends on the type of grooming and learning ...

Did you know Nearly 7 in 10 People Want Robots to Manage their Finances Instead of Humans (infographic) It goes without saying that the COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to be extra careful with how we spend our money. But ...

You know Data shows Google’s Chrome OS officially crossed Apple’s macOS in the desktop operating system with a market share of around 11 percent, whereas Apple’s market share is only at 7 percent Almost all people are familiar with Microsoft ...