This Valentine’s day, we’re celebrating size container queries and container query units landing in all stable browsers. Feb 14, 2023 Celebration This web feature is now available in all three major browser engines! Container query love is in the air! ...

Maggie Appleton calls “Programming Portals”: Small, scoped areas within a graphical interface that allow users to read and write simple programmes brb updating all the marketing copy around here. I like how casually Brad Frost describes essentially all of web ...

I love the Brave web browser for many reasons: ad blocking, Brave rewards, crypto integration, and even a Tor tab feature. I’ll often use the Tor feature but wanted to know how I could automated opening Tor windows from command ...

We’re fans of Custom Elements around here. Their design makes them particularly amenable to lazy loading, which can be a boon for performance. Inspired by a colleague’s experiments, I recently set about writing a simple auto-loader: Whenever a custom element ...

The ability to generate random numbers or alphanumeric strings can come in handy in many situations. You could use it to spawn enemies or food at different locations in a game. You could also use it to suggest random passwords ...