Hello, friends, and welcome to Week in Review, TechCrunch’s regular digest of the top tech news over the past several days. Sign up here to get it in your inbox every Saturday. It’s where we highlight the key stories in ...

These days, Wi-Fi routers are a bare necessity in nearly every household. Wi-Fi routers broadcast your ISP signal throughout your home so you can easily use wireless devices such as laptops and smartphones. But not all Wi-Fi routers are created ...

A five-second test is a rapid usability testing method used by UX researchers to gather users’ first impressions of a design. It’s predominantly used by UX teams to see if a brand’s messaging is fully understood by audiences in the ...

Digital twin technology will transform business and society by 2035, with widespread adoption coming first in life sciences and retail, to be followed by smart cities/homes in the coming years, a new report released this week by Tata Consultancy Services ...

Founded by former Enterprise Ireland executive Mo Harvey, Tribe Fintech has created a platform to connect SMEs and banks. Mastercard has selected five fintech start-ups for its global Start Path accelerator programme, with one of these being the Irish-founded Tribe ...