People Are Debating Who’s Wrong In Christmas Argument

People are extremely divided about who’s in the wrong here. Lots of commenters believe he is the asshole in this situation:

“She put the tree away after getting bitched at by the guy that apparently has never helped her put it up before they had a kid AND also never told her about how it’s some kind of family tradition!? On what planet does that make her an asshole?!”


“Your husband sounds ridiculously immature. Also, your child is only one. They are not going to remember any of this. Tell your husband to grow up.”


“If you’ve always put the tree up on your own and he never mentioned putting up the tree as a family, then he should have no reasonable expectation to do it together. Maybe there’s something else going on and he’s using the tree as something to focus on? It could be as simple as stress from having an infant, because the first year is tough! Instead of calmly pulling you aside and working as a team to resolve it, he intentionally tried to get an emotional response from you by saying you ruined your child’s Christmas. Could you have responded better? Sure. But, when you’re pushed and pushed and pushed, people snap. It’s emotional manipulation.”


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