People Are Sharing Moments And Things That Made Them Feel Old

People Are Sharing Moments And Things That Made Them Feel Old

“Last Christmas we had a two-day blizzard (Ontario!) and lost power. My husband’s phone was the only one working. We still have a landline because we pay almost nothing for it, so I took out my old telephone and plugged it in. My husband had to go get more gas for our generator and I told him to call several times to let me know he’s okay. 

So, later the phone rings and I couldn’t get to it, so I tell my 14-year-old to get it. I look over to see him and my 10-year-old standing there, both staring at it. I yell, ‘PICK UP THE TOP PART!’ So he does, but then looks over at me like he’s still not sure. So I yell, ‘PUT IT TO YOUR EAR!’ and he does, but again unsure, I then yell, ‘SAY HELLO!!!’ I was annoyed in the moment, because panic, but it’s pretty funny that using an old-school phone stumped him. lol He later said, ‘I’ve seen them on TV and stuff but I still didn’t really know what to do in real life!’ 🤣”


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