People Are Sharing What They Love About Being 60+

People Are Sharing What They Love About Being 60+


“At age 80, I see life differently now. My first marriage was a failure. The second marriage died a slow death as my wife edged into alcoholism and then fully embraced it, rejecting every effort of every professional’s help. A heart attack visited me at age 60, clearly signaling far too much stress in my life; I almost desperately wanted to escape and start over. God granted that wish in the form of a young woman I met through work. She left her job and went to university. Upon graduation, she returned home to help her mother. We dated during that period, and three years later, we got married. I reversed a vasectomy to meet her wishes, and our first child was born a year after we married.”

“Despite the age difference of 40 years, we get along very well, sharing the most important of life values, thanking God, and enjoying being together. She insists I dye my hair as I am active and do not look my age. Twenty years after that heart attack changed the course of my life, and now more than ten years into our marriage, we have successfully defied all those who advocate ageism. I work part-time, and we share life closely while raising our children, who, I am pleased and proud to say, consistently get ‘A’s at school and deeply love their newest sibling, who was born last year.”


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