People Share Moment When Friendship Ends


“I lost my college best friend after we moved in together to her apartment. She kept stealing my food and denying it, things escalated after my unopened jar of Nutella went missing. Not proud of it, but I searched her room, after I didn’t find it, I checked the big communal trash can, and there it was (I recognized our trash bag) opened, with one tiny spoonful missing, thrown out. I called her right away and confronted her.”

“Then some of my money went missing -—mind you, her parents were wealthy, she didn’t need the money, I was struggling to keep myself afloat, working part-time. She accused me of ruining her blouse after she hand-washed it in a washbasin, and it got a yellow stain on it, she said I used yellow fabric dye in it before (I didn’t, wtf?). She started restricting what kitchen stuff (pots, pans, bowls, utensils!) I could use since everything was hers and she didn’t want me ruining them. I noped out of there and our friendship as soon as I could.”


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