People Shared The Rudest Party Invitations They Recieved

People Shared The Rudest Party Invitations They Recieved


“My sister-in-law (now my husband’s brother’s ex-wife), text me one night in the middle of our wedding planning (and by in the middle, I mean deposits for everything had been paid and invitations were being made), and she asked, ‘Is your wedding date set in stone already?’”

“(This is a gist of how the conversation went)

Me: ‘Yes it is.’

Her: ‘Well, like have you already paid deposits? You haven’t sent out invitations yet right?’

Me: ‘For the most part we have, we just need to talk with *insert pastor’s name*’

Her: ‘Do you think you could change the date to another weekend? The 25th doesn’t work for me.’

I literally had to read it over and over again. I read it out loud to my (now) husband. Had she really just asked us to change OUR WEDDING DAY because it didn’t work for HER?! I don’t know why I was surprised, she was and still is all about her.

Her: ‘My friend is thinking about getting married that day and I want to attend both.’

So her friend’s hypotheical wedding is reason for us to change ours? Yea, no.

Me: ‘Sorry but we picked that day and things are already paid for.” And that was that. I think she text me again but I don’t remember what she might have said. Oh, and that friend she mentioned, still isn’t married.’

Kasey Prosko-D

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