Pick of the Week: Butterflies, Akitas and Tinies

Pick of the Week: Butterflies, Akitas and Tinies

SEAN: I’ve been slacking on my new shoujo series, so Like a Butterfly seems like the perfect time to hop back on board.

MICHELLE: Like a Butterfly is definitely my top pick as well!

KATE: I’m excited for the next volume of Lovely Muco.

ANNA: I’m not going to pass up a chance to pick a new shoujo series, Like a Butterfly is my pick as well.

ASH: Well, since I likewise failed to mention anything about the release of Minami’s Lover last week, I feel like I need to make it my pick this week seeing as I’m always interested in Garo manga. (Though, if I’m picking a release from this week, Like a Butterfly is definitely the debut that has my attention.)

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