Pick of the Week: Cupcakes, Demons, and Idols

Pick of the Week: Cupcakes, Demons, and Idols

ASH: I feel like to keep the peace at home, my pick this week should be Spider-Man: Fake Red (I may need more than one copy). But while the kids are busy reading that, I’ll more likely be perusing Old-Fashioned Cupcake for myself. I simply can’t pass up vaguely food-releated BL.

MICHELLE: I have to hurry up and read volume one of Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun before Tuesday so that I am not already behind when my official pick, volume two, comes out!

SEAN: There’s nothing I’m super excited for this time, so I’ll go with a default, as there’s a new Kageki Shojo! out, and those are always terrific.

KATE: I can’t say no to an idol manga, so my pick is If My Favorite Pop Idol Made it to the Budokan, I Would Die.

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