Pick of the Week: Manga? Or Manwha?

Pick of the Week: Manga? Or Manwha?

SEAN: Tempting as it is to pick one of Yen’s 7 new titles, this is the last time I get to pick Dead Dead Demon’s Dededede Destruction, so it has to be that. My hope is for the end of the series to not have the death of all of humanity. Gonna be tough.

MICHELLE: The lure of josei manhwa calls to me, and so What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim? is my choice this week.

KATE: I agree with Michelle: grown-up manwha for me too!

ANNA: Me too! What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim? sounds quite interesting.

ASH: I definitely plan to be reading What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim? at some point, but my pick this week goes to I Hear the Sunspot: Four Seasons. I’ve really been enjoying the series, so I’m looking forward to picking up the most recent installment.

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