Pick of the Week: Midsummer Manga

Pick of the Week: Midsummer Manga

MICHELLE: I don’t know how I could resist Steampunk BL from the author of Guardian! It’s Stars of Chaos for me this week.

SEAN: I’ll read Guardian, but probably not this. So I’ll make my pick a perennial “yes, always”: the new volume of Ascendance of a Bookworm.

ASH: Stars of Chaos is probably the debut that most interests me this week, but my official pick goes to What Did You Eat Yesterday?; I’m always glad to see a new volume released in that series.

KATE: Oof… so many manga, so few I want to read! I’m voting for Soichi even though I still haven’t finished the other two Junji Ito anthologies sitting on my nightstand. The evil you know, I guess.

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