Pick of the Week: Performers and Delinquents

Pick of the Week: Performers and Delinquents

MICHELLE: I am, of course, happy to see new volumes of Lovesick Ellie and Giant Killing, but this week I’ll pick Delinquent Daddy and Tender Teacher simply because it looks like it could be a lot of fun.

SEAN: Akane-banashi. That is all.

KATE: What Sean said; I’ve been dying to read it since it debuted on the Shonen Jump app!

ANNA: I’m sure I’ll like Akane-banashi, but I’m going with regular favorite Lovesick Ellie for my pick!

ASH: I’ll admit, I tend to enjoy BL in which at least one of the leads is a parent or parental figure, so I’m definitely looking forward to reading Delinquent Daddy and Tender Teacher, but my official pick this week actually goes to the print debut of Akane-banashi!

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