Share What Dish Haunts Your Dreams Because You Hated Making It So Much

Share What Dish Haunts Your Dreams Because You Hated Making It So Much

Let me just go ahead and relive my suffering for a second because I know I’m being dramatic, but it’s for a reason. 

1. Scoop the ice cream while hoping it’s not rock solid (but it always is). Use both hands with full force and attempt to get a full scoop without accidentally flinging the ice cream across the restaurant with a slingshot effect. 

2. Add the flavors and mix it up with what can only be described as a spinning death trap that looks like a circular razor blade. It’s like a coffee frother, but with more danger and treachery.

3. Since it’s a side by side shake, I’d do this all over again with the second flavor in another cup.

4. The most grueling part: challenging physics by pouring the two shake mixes into one glass at the same time. If one of them was even a smidge thicker than the other, it would fully glob out at once, and the other cup’s contents would haphazardly plop the remaining icy failure right on top. That’s not a side by side. That’s a top and bottom.

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