Stay Cool at Theme Parks with These 26 Essentials

Though they may not be very visible with some hair styles, these hair bands are super cute and come in some vibrant shades!

Bunzee Bands is a small business dedicated to providing pain-free hair ties for people of all hair shapes and sizes. 

Promising reviews: “Sent from the HEAVENS!! This. Is. Everything. During the summer time my hair was placed in time out. The curls that came out in the morning from my braid out would succumb to humidity the minute I stepped out. So I was left to just do puffs, and I’m was used to using the typical headband to do so. It would cause major headaches and being prone to headaches, it wasn’t fun. So this product was a complete godsend! I can rock my puffs on my busy class days and forget I even have a puff in because there’s no headache! 😍😍” —Mikaylia

“I absolutely love this. It does the trick. My locs are long and thick and so rubber bands take too much to try to get them on, and usually I can’t get them tight enough. Finally I found something that works.” —Karen

Get a pack of two from Amazon for $15.95 (available in eight colors, a single pack, and a smaller size). 

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