Hey, if you read this email, it’ll be technically different from the previous. When I recently updated my newsletter service server software nearly everything broke into pieces. I was using mailtrain v1 for a long time now but it’s deprecated ...

Hey, this week’s links are quite interesting: A couple of web standard (proposals) that would make CSS easier again like CSS Toggles, easy progressive enhancement for form data using the web platform. But also things like a huge list of ...

Hey, this is number 300 of my article recommendation summaries. It’s crazy to see where this project is now compared to when I started: I always read a lot of resources and missed some sort of summary. Back then, I ...

Hey, … And I’m back in town your inbox with quite a few new reading recommendations for you. It’s quite interesting how the web continues to bring new stuff each week, how developers explore these new things. A lot of ...

Hey, This week is full of awesome CSS stuff that people have dreamt of only some years ago. And we have other articles that I’ve been long waiting for: Great custom maps, a modern end-to-end testing framework and a fast ...