Hey, Let’s build websites for every one of us: »At the end of 2021, approximately 7.8 million severely disabled people were living in Germany. […] The percentage of severely disabled people in the total population in Germany stood at 9.4%.« ...

Hey, It’s not been long since the last mail I sent out but I already got so many articles in the queue that it makes sense to send this now. The monthly schedule is a handy reminder for myself but ...

Hey, when I started this newsletter in 2013, I’d never imagined to writing this for nine years, to have thousands of subscribers via email, and many more via the website, social media, and the RSS feed. With many ups and ...

Hey, it’s crazy how much news we get for CSS this year. But along with it, we get tutorials how to use the new things and how to enhance with JavaScript. It’s nice to see how web development evolves, cross-browser ...

Hey, Will you recognize what the icons in the following link want to explain? I thought it’s a good quiz to ask my international friends here to find out how well these icons work. Now think about using only icons ...