Edition 303 by Anselm Hannemann


It’s not been long since the last mail I sent out but I already got so many articles in the queue that it makes sense to send this now. The monthly schedule is a handy reminder for myself but I’m not dogmatic on this. As you know this is a personal, hand-crafted newsletter, so I think it’s okay to alter schedules as it comes.
What’s interesting to me is that this edition splits up a bit into new shiny features that we aimed for for years (CSS Container Queries) and basic progressive enhancement, fundamental markup, a RSS based article recommendation, or basic JavaScript things we can do to make our websites more resilient.

This edition goes out right before I go to surgery next week. It shouldn’t be a big thing and they say I’ll be fully recovered two weeks after. As a creator and self-employed person I have a lot of ideas in my mind; My goal is to use the time off to calm down and rest a bit. I’m going to listen to nature sounds (see below), to binaural beats (just search in your favourite music app) and try to find a bit of calm.


  • Safari 16 is coming soon and with it, a few new features will arrive: CSS Container Queries, CSS Subgrid, a Flexbox inspector in DevTools, Overscroll behavior, Shared Workers, <form>.requestSubmit(), showPicker().


  • Torchlight is an API for syntax highlighting that makes your code look nice and without JS on the user side. Cool project and free for non-commercial use cases.
  • Openring is a tool for generating an article recommendation widget from RSS feeds for your own site.




  • Signing your commits in git is a good idea to improve security. Without it, anyone can pretend to be someone else. So far, GPG was the go-to solution for signing but now there’s a new, easy solution for 1Password users to sign your commits.

Web Performance


  • Austin Gil on the capture attribute for file input fields which let us take photos just with HTML. A simple solution for user avatars or similar use cases.
  • Dave Rupert explores the modern alternatives to BEM (remember that hot naming convention a few years ago?). I feel like this game is finally coming to an end due to the new CSS capabilities we get in browsers.




Go beyond…

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