1. This boss brought in teeny tiny drumsticks for employee appreciation: 2. This boss responds with “Ok thanks” to everything — even questions: 3. This boss “cleaned” this employee’s desk…which really just meant throwing everything out: Apparently, the OP had ...

The world can be a strange and mysterious place, and I firmly believe that no one knows that better than truckers and those who work at truck stops. Recently, I asked the truck drivers and rest stop attendants of the ...

1. This birthday brat: 2. This person who wants to borrow someone’s car for free, and also intends to smoke in it: 3. This person who wants free labor, and also a little groveling: 4. This person who will give ...

Economical People Are Sharing The Little Luxuries They Allow Themselves To Spend Money On Because It Makes Their Life Enjoyable Sometimes you just have to treat yourself to a latte at Starbucks to make your day better. Recently I’ve been ...

We recently asked teachers of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the worst experience they’ve had with an entitled rich student or their parents. Here are the most shocking stories: 1. “I used to teach middle school art at a ...