The Do’s And Don’ts Of Taking Your Business On Mobile

Ideas leads to innovation and innovation leads to business. According to studies, startups today are growing faster than they have in the past. US VC backed startups in 1998 grew revenue 63% per year on average. With exponentially increasing businesses, the owners are covered with continuous global competition and to keep your business up in the horde, you need to make it accessible. And what better way to be accessible than a mobile app? However, before taking your business on mobile platform you need to keep the following points in mind-

Understand the importance of App for your business- Different businesses have different needs and different target audiences accordingly. While thinking of getting a mobile app for your business, you need to ask yourself-
What is the purpose?
Who is your target audience?
Does your idea seem financially viable?
Once you are sure with these questions, it’ll be much easier to move forward in the right direction. The goal is to define what you need and why do you need it.

Create a rough plan or flow- The concept of an application is something which works as the rough plot. Research, analyze and clarify your needs. The best way to cover all the points is to keep an eagle eye on the competitors and the global leaders in your business domain. Even if you are missing a point on your end, you’ll get to notice that through them.

Hire professionals for app development- Today, due to the fear of the high pricing model people usually go for cheaper options i.e. creating their own in house team or hiring freelancers for creating apps. And as internet turns out to be the biggest savior these days, they do not hesitate to try their skills by surfing and searching enough. Such experiments might seem fine while learning to develop apps for personal work but should one take such huge risks when it comes to their business? The simple answer is NO. Because when you are shifting your business to mobile, it needs to be effortless. After all no one wants their clients base to fade away due to undesirable mess.

Prepare a good marketing strategy- What basic factor makes a mobile application successful? It’s the number of downloads or the user base of the app. The mobile market is filled with tonnes of applications and you need to make sure that your app stands out. Research on the marketing channels where your target audience resides then create and curate an accurate branding programme to promote your app based on this USP and top the score.

Make random changes to your plan- Do not take chance of going with the rough plot and enhancing it with ideas while development. This can lead to irregular flow and unnecessary burden on your head. Instead, once you’ve jotted down the basic plan for your app, make sure to finalize it too. For this you can take help of your team members as well as a few people from the general audience. Create a list of their expectations from an app like yours and add them to your plan if permissible.

Opt for an app on a single platform- With the increasing number of mobile platforms, the choice bar for the public is also raised. While most of the common people opt for user friendly platforms like Android and Windows, the selective crowd using iOS competes equally. And your business should not limit its reach to the customers, therefore, try to opt for multiple platforms so that every potential client has access to your business through a handy mobile app.

Go for an app that’s complex- Being effortless is the new vogue. Embedding an application with a lot of features can prove to be a bit risky as it can make the app more puzzling. Even if you plan to go with many features, direct the developers and designers to create your app with a simple UI. You can go for a better approach by taking the app development in phases. Once your app is done with the first phase, you will be able to see its response and analyze the changing market demands according to which you’ll have proper data for phase two. Because in the end what matters is the end-user’s experience, so you need to ensure that the features of your app don’t make the users get away instead your app should be able to give a smooth one-touch experience.


30th March 

Android,iOS,Quality Testing,Web

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