Top helpful Angular Interview Questions and Answers

The modification in the state affects the data view from component to
template of view. On the contrary it is also probable that the modification
in the view affects the state to make component by altering the view

Two-Way Data Binding 

The updates in the view can guide to modify the data model. Similarly, any
modification in the data model can alter the display from component to
display template.

The different kinds of Two-Way Data Binding are:

  • Interpolation
  • Class binding
  • Property binding
  • Attribute binding
  • Style binding
  • Event binding
  • Two-way binding

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18. Define parameterized pipe?

In Angular, pipes are utilized to transfer the raw data into a desired
format prior to the final view to the users. These pipes are classified
into 2 types:

1- Built-in Pipes,

Built-in Pipes are also classified into 2 types – Chaining Pipes and
Parameterized Pipes.

2- Custom Pipes

Parameterized Pipes include parameters. We can utilize these pipes to pass
a number of parameters by mentioning a colon (:) in that command.

19. Define custom elements?

A custom element is utilized to expand HTML, wherein you can
explain a tag whose content is built and handled by JavaScript code.

20. Do you have to bootstrap custom elements?

No, we don’t have to get the custom elements bootstrapped as they
automatically get bootstrapped while included with the DOM. Also,
the custom elements in Angular get automatically destroyed when eliminated
from the DOM.

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21. Explain the procedure of defining typings for custom elements?

Defining typings for custom Angular elements can be accomplished through
and WithProperties exported from ‘@angular/elements’ and

Some same codes for component is a container with input property:

22. Explain how custom elements perform internally?

From the following steps, we can understand the internal performance of
custom elements 

  • Registration of the custom elements: Angular gets the custom
    elements registered through the function ‘createCustomElement()’. This
    function transforms a component into a class, which can get registered
    with the web browser as a custom element.
  • Adding the custom element to DOM: Unlike a built-in HTML, the
    custom element gets added to DOM.
  • Web Browser initiates component based class: Once we have added
    the custom element to DOM, we’ll find a registered class instance is
    produced by the web browser automatically and is llinked to the DOM.
  • Data binding and alter detection: At the end, the produced
    instance allows data binding and alter detection. The required template
    content is provided through the DOM data and component.

23. How constructor is different from ngOnInit?

Find below how constructor is different from ngOnInit:


A constructor is used for initialization of class member.

But, the purpose of ‘ngOnInit’ is to get utilized in case of
startup/declaration and prevent things to appear in development.


A Constructor needs to be utilized to set up Dependency Injection,
beginning of class fields, etc.

But, the ‘ngOnInit’ is utilised to compose the work code that runs as soon
as the class gets instantiated.

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24. How Angular is different from AngularJS?

Following are some of the important differences between
AngularJS and Angular.


Angular utilizes the components and directives.

Angularjs provides support for the MVC (Model-View-Controller)


Angular makes use of TypeScript language which is considered as a superset
of JavaScript that is written statistically.

Angularjs utilizes JavaScript which is a dynamically written
scripting language.

Expression Syntax

Angular utilizes () to bind a specific event while [] to bind a given

Angularjs needs professionals to utilize the proper ng directive to bind a
specific property or an event.


Angular utilizes @RouteConfig{(…)}

Angularjs utilizes $routeprovider.when().

Mobile compatibility

Angular provides mobile support.

But AngularJS does not provide mobile support.

Dependency Injection

Angular provides support for hierarchical dependency injection, as well as
unidirectional tree-based modified direction together.

Angularjs does not provide support for dependency injection.


The simplified structure of Angular enables professionals to build and
maintain big size applications easily.

Angularjs is comparatively less controllable.

25. How is components transferred to custom elements?

Mainly, two significant steps need to be followed for the purpose of
transfering specific components to custom elements:

  • Creating a class custom element : In the 1st step, build a custom
    element class through the createCustomElement() function facilitated by
    Angular. The function transfers an Angular component (along with its
    dependencies) to a specific custom element. The NgElementConstructor
    interface is involved through this transformation which, in turn, builds
    a constructor class that is utilized for creating an instance of
  • Registering element class with web browser: The ‘customElements.define()
    function’ is utilized to register the configured constructor, and its
    linked custom-element tag with the CustomElementRegistry of the web

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26. Explain the mapping rules between custom element and Angular component?

Following are significant mapping rules between Angular component and custom element.

  • The input properties of component are parsed with the corresponding
    attributes for the specific custom element through the
  • The Component outputs are released as HTML Custom Events and possess the
    custom event name that also matches the name of output.

27. Define pipes in Angular?

When we are working to obtain some dynamic information in our templates,
we might have to edit or transform the information before it is given into
our templates. Though different approaches are used for performing that,
in Angular, but utilizing pipes is the most suitable approach. A pipe is a
basic function, which we can utilize with expressions within our

Some of the most popular built-in pipes in Angular are
LowerCasePipe, UpperCasePipe, and CurrencyPipe, etc.

28. What do you mean by chain pipes?

The syntax for chaining pipes in Angular is mentioned in the following

29. What is a custom pipe?

In Angular, you can develop customized pipes which were earlier called as
Filters’ in Angular. Generally, we can define custom pipes as


Pipename‘ = name of the pipe. 

Pipeclass’ = name of the class given to the custom pipe. 

Transform’ = function to perform with the pipe. ‘Parameters’ = parameters
that are given to the pipe.

Returntype’ = return type of the pipe. 

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30. Give an illustration of a custom pipe?

Let us now go through the following example where we have explained a
custom pipe to transfer a number to its square in the Angular app. Please
keep in mind that we are utilizing ng produced pipe command to produce
this customized pipe.

ng generate pipe square

31. How pure pipe is different from impure pipe?


A pure pipe gets called while Angular detects a modification in the
parameters given to a pipe.

An impure pipe gets called in case of each modification detection cycle
irrespective of any modification in the parameter given.


Pure pipes can get shared across different utilities and that too
without  possessing any effect on the result.

You can’t share impure Pipes as they might affect the inner state from

Determination of change in result 

In case of pure pipe, Input parameters will be able to determine the
output result or the modification in it.

In case of impure pipe, Input parameters won’t determine the output result
or the modification in it.


32. Explain HttpInterceptors in Angular?

are significant parts of the @angular/common/HTTP module and are utilized to check and transform HTTP requests and
responses properly. These interceptors are made to conduct inspections on
a request, edit the response, and then perform cross-cutting task,
including logging requests, authenticating a user through a request, with
use of gzip to compress the provided response, etc.

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33. How can one share information between components in Angular?

There are different procedures to share information between components in

They are mentioned as below:

  • Parent to Child: through Input
  • Child to Parent: through Output() and EventEmitter
  • Child to Parent: through ViewChild
  • Unrelated Components: through a Service

34. Explain ng-content and its objective?

The utilization of ng-content in Angular is to add the content dynamically
into the component. It assists in improving component reutility and giving
content into the selector of component.

Relevant Reading

35. Explain ngcc?

The ngcc stands for ‘Angular Compatibility Compile‘ and it is a
tool utilized in Angular to improve node_module, executed with
non-ivy ngc into ivy compliant structure.

36. Explain folding?

In Angular, some non-exported members get folded while producing the code.
This procedure in which the evaluation of a specific expression is
accomplished by the collector and output is noted in the .metadata.json,
is called as Folding.

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37. Explain macros?

A Macros is a significant part of a programming code that assists in the
automation of regular scheduled tasks. It basically runs in an excel
platform. Generally, in Angular, Macros gets support in different form of
functions, static procedures etc.

Example of Macros code in Angular :

Angular’s State function declares a state of animation within a trigger
linked to an element. 

Syntax of State function:

Angular’s Style function is utilized to declare a value/key object that
possesses CSS styles/properties and are utilized for an animation.

Syntax of Style function:

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40. Explain NgZone?

NgZone is a service facilitated by Angular that enables you to run
functions in the Angular zone through a method run(). This
execution is occurred while NgZone triggers modification detection
automatically at the proper time.

41. What is NoopZone?

NoopZone supports Angular determine and know the exact time of
triggering the modification detection. Nevertheless, in the event while
Angular is utilized without a zone, the NoopZone is configured here.

42. Explain a bootstrapping module?

In Angular, the root module is utilized for launching or
bootstrapping the app is called as the ‘Bootstrapping Module’. However, a
Bootstrapping Module appears in each Angular app and it gets stored in the
class. Hence, the Bootstrapping module is also known by the developers as

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43. Explain how to use HttpClient with an example?

In order to use the HttpClient, just follow the steps:

  • 1st step: initiate by building a HttpClient instance.
  • 2nd Step: make an instance of a procedure.
  • 3rd Step: Mention Command HttpClient to run the procedure.
  • 4th Step: On execution: go through the response.
  • 5th Step: At the end, close the connection.
  • 6th Step: And start working with the response.

44. How to read the full response?

For the purpose of full response in Angular, the following code should be

45. How will you conduct Error handling?

In Angular, we can handle error by composing a function through
HttpClient along with catchError from RxJS. To
prevent errors, Angular’s HttpClient gives JSON responses
and returns an object of JavaScript in the observable.

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46. Define content projection?

The Content projection in Angular, refers to a specific format where you
will be able to insert, or project, the content that you wish to utilize
inside another component. For illustration, consider a Card component that
can receive the content given by another component.

47. Differentiate promise from observable?


Observables possess the ability to emit different values over a specific
time period.

A promise emits only a single value over a specific time period.


Observables can be run only when subscribed through
subscribe() procedure.

Promises can be run after their creation.


We can’t cancel observables as they contain subscriptions which can be
cancelled through the unsubscribe() procedure.

Promises once run, we can’t cancel them.


We can give operations like map for operators ‘forEach’,
decrease’, ‘retry’, filter, and ‘retryWhen

Promises never provide any operations.


An observable forwards the errors to the targetted subscribers.

A promise forwards the errors to the targetted child promises.

48. Define data binding?

Data binding is among the most important and powerful features that help
in establishing communication between DOM and the component. It makes the
defining process of interactive applications simple as you no longer need
to panic about data pushing or pulling between the component and the

Four types of data binding are available in Angular:

  • Event binding
  • Property binding
  • String interpolation
  • Two-way data binding

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49. What are disadvantages of Angular?

Following are some disadvantages.

  • Obtaining better SEO results on an Angular app can’t be easier
    and may desire proper configuration.
  • Angular possesses a lot of features itself, so it’s difficult to know
    all of them and learn the way of their utilization.
  • Angular can increase the weight of your JavaScript bundle. Hence
    it is not much efficient to use Angular for smaller projects
    because of the increasing load.

50. Define string interpolation?

In Angular, String interpolation or mustache syntax facilitates one-way
data binding. It is a unique syntax that utilizes double curly braces {{}}
to depict the component information.

The JavaScript expressions inside the braces that Angular needs to run to
obtain the result, which can be inserted into the HTML code.
However, as portion of the digest cycle, these JS expressions are
generally updated and stored.

51. How interpolated content is different from the content assigned to the DOM element’s innerHTML property?

Angular interpolation occurs when we compose JavaScript expression within
double curly braces. For example: ‘{{ someExpression() }}’. This is
utilized to add dynamic content to a specific web page. Nevertheless, we
can perform the same task by assigning dynamic content to the
DOM element’s innerHTML property. 

The main difference between these two is that, in Angular, the compiler
often skips the interpolated content, i.e., HTML doesn’t get
interpreted, and the web browser depicts the code when it is written with
brackets and symbols, rather than showing the result of the interpreted
HTML. Neverthless, in innerHTML, if the content is written
in HTML, then it is compiled as the HTML code.

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52. Differentiate Angular decorator from Angular annotation?

Angular Decorators are such design patterns which assist in the edit or
decoration of the respective classes without changing in the original
source code.

On the other hand, Angular Annotations are utilized in Angular to develop
an annotation array. They utilize the library of Reflective Metadata 
and are a metadata set of the specific class.

53. Explain function of AOT compiler in Angular?

The AOT stands for ahead-of-time and it’s a compiler in Angular
which transforms Angular TypeScript and HTML code into JavaScript
code at the time of the build phase, that makes the rendering procedure
much quicker. This compilation procedure is required since Angular
utilizes HTML code and TypeScript. The compiler transfers
the code into JavaScript, which can then be effectively utilized by the
web browser that runs our app.

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54. What are the major benefits of AOT?

AOT compilation has many advantages as follows:

Fast rendering:

On compilation, the web browser downloads a pre-compiled version of app
that is developed by us. It can provide the app instantly without
compiling the app.

Less asynchronous requests:

It carries external HTML based templates and CSS style sheets and inlines
them within the JavaScript based app which decreases the number of
different Ajax requests.

Smaller download size:

The compiler minimizes the code for us so that the size of download will
be reduced.

Template error identification:

During the phase of compilation, any issues in the templates will be found
and displayed by the compiler as an appropriate report so that they can be
rectified before production.

55. What are the 3 phases of AOT?

Following are 3 phases of AOT:

  • code analysis
  • template type checking
  • code generation

56. Define components in Angular?

Components are considered as the basic building block of the Angular user
interface. Usually, a component contains HTML, JavaScript, and CSS for a
specific portion of a particular interface. 

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57. Define dynamic components?

Angular framework’s dynamic Components help in developing large-scale
applications smoothly. Generally, dynamic components are initiated and
mentioned in the app at runtime.

58. What is the objective of base href tag?

The href attribute is utilized to mention the main URL for all relevant
URLs on a web page. At the time of navigation, the base href tag is
utilized by the Angular router as a main path to the template, component,
and module files.

59. Write about modules in Angular?

A module is considered as a logical border of our app. It is utilized to
encapsulate code handling with a particular aspect of the app like HTTP,
routing, and validation, etc.

The significant reason why modules are utilized is to improve app
composability. For illustration, if we desire to implement validation
logic through various libraries, then for the implemented one, we can
create a newly made validation module and replace the existing one with
the newly built one, and our app would function similarly. In Angular, we
develop a module through the NgModule decorator.

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60. Define DOM?

(Document Object Model) has responsibility for representing the
content of a specific web page and alters in the architecture of an app.
Here, all the objects are organized in a tree structure. The document can
easily be edited, manipulated, and used only through the APIs.

61. Explain services in Angular.

An Angular service is a term that covers different kinds of
functionalities. A service can be any value, , feature or function that an
app desire. A service is basically utilized to achieve a very narrow
objective such as HTTP communication, sending information to a cloud service,  validating data, and decoding some text, etc. 

62. How jQuery is different from Angular?

JQuery is known as a JS library, whereas Angular is known as a JS frontend

Following are some of the other differences 

  • Angular supports RESTful API, jQuery does not support the RESTful API.
  • Angular allows deep linking routing, but jQuery does not allow.
  • Form validation is found in Angular but not found in jQuery.

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63. Explain lifecycle hooks in Angular.

At the time of developing an Angular app, sometimes we have to execute
some code at some special event—uch as at the time of displaying a
component on the screen or removal of component from the screen. In this
way the lifecycle hooks are utilized for.

64. Write about templates?

Angular templates are written through HTML that includes elements and
attributes that are particular to Angular. The templates are further
connected with the information from the controller and respective model,
which can be provided to offer the end user a dynamic display.

65. Explain two-way data binding?

Two-way data binding is made in Angular to make sure that the information
model is synchronized in the view automatically. For illustration,
whenever a user edits some information in a model and that model is being
displayed in various locations in a component, that updated information
should be reflected in all the locations.

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66. Explain observables in Angular?

An observable is known as a declarative approach through which we will be
able to accomplish asynchronous assignment. Observables can be imagined of
as streams of information moving from a web publisher to a subscriber. As
we know, they are alike to promises as they both handle asynchronous
requests. Nevertheless, observables are better substitutions to promises
as the former comes with a lot of operators that allow developers to
better control on asynchronous requests, especially if there is multiple
request at a time.

67. How are observables different from promises?

Although we use both promises and observables to control asynchronous
requests in the application of JavaScript, they perform in diversified
ways. Promises will control only single event at a particular moment,
while observables will manage a sequence of asynchronous events over an
assigned time period. Observables also render us with a different types of
operators that permit us to convert data movement through these
observables with ease.

A promise is just a method to wrap asynchronous types of operations so
that they can be utilized, while an observable is an approach to turn
asynchronous operations into a stream of information that moves from a web
publisher to a subscriber through a proper-defined path with different
operations transforming the data along the procedure.

68. What do you Know about Angular Material mean?

Angular Material is knon as a specific UI component library that permits
professionals to build consistent, impressive, and flully functional
websites,web apps, and web pages. It can do so by following latest web
design principles, such as valuable degradation and web browser

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69. Explain RxJS?

RxJS (Reactive Extensions for JavaScript) is a library, which is utilized
so that we will be able to observables in JavaScript project, that allows
us to conduct reactive programming. However, RxJS is utilized in various
famous frameworks like Angular as it permits us to compose 
asynchronous functions or callback-type code into a list of operations
conducted on a data stream that emits values from a web publisher to a
respective subscriber. Also, some other languages like Python, Java, and
many more, contains libraries that permits them to compose reactive code
through observables.

2.Angular Intermediate Questions

70. Do you know bootstrapping?

Angular bootstrapping permits professionals to begin the Angular app.
Angular supports both automatic and manual bootstrapping.

Let’s have a brief discussion on the two.

  • Automatic bootstrapping: Automatic bootstrapping can be utilized to
    include the ng-app directive to the root of web app, always on the tag
    if professionals desire Angular to bootstrap the app automatically.
    Angular loads the related module once it obtains the ng-app directive
    and, then compiles the DOM.
  • Manual bootstrapping: It provides more control to professionals with
    respect to how and when they have to begin the Angular app. It is
    completely valuable in places where professionals want to do other tasks
    prior to compilation of the page by the angular.

71. What do you mean by dependency injection?

Angular Dependency injection (DI) allows the objects to be passed as
dependencies instead of hard-coding in the respective components.
Also, this dependency concept is completely handy while we separate
the object logic creation from its utilization.

The ‘config’ function utilizes Dependency Injection that should be
configured to load the module for retrieving the app elements. Besides,
this characteristics permits professionals to alter dependencies based on

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72. List the Angular building blocks?

The following building blocks play a significant role in Angular:

  • Components: A component can manage various views wherein every
    view is a specific portion on the screen. Each Angular app possesses at
    least one component called the root component. This component gets
    bootstrapped in the main root module.
  • Data binding: It is the procedure in which the different sections
    of a template linked with the component. HHence, the binding markup
    should be included in the HTML template so that Angular can realize how
    it can link with the template and component.
  • Dependency injection: It utilizes DI to provide the mandatory
    dependencies, specifically services, to the new components.
  • Directives: Angular templates are dynamic, and the directives
    assist Angular realize how it can convert the DOM at the time of
    manifestation of the template.
  • Metadata: Classes possess metadata along with them with the
    assistance of decorators so that Angular will be able to process the
  • Modules: Module or NgModule is considered as a block of code
    organized through the mandatory capabilities set, possessing one
    particular operation. All Angular apps possess at least single module,
    the root module, and most of the apps possess various modules.
  • Routing: Angular router assists in interpretation of the URL of a
    web browser to obtain a client-generated result and view.
  • Services: this is a vast type that ranges from functions and
    parameters to characteristics that play a major role in Angular app.
  • Template: The display of every component is connected with a
    template, and the template of Angular is a kind of HTML tag that permits
    Angular to obtain an idea of how it should render the component.

73. Explain the MVVM architecture.

The MVVM architecture helps in removing tight coupling between the
components. This specific architecture includes the following:

  • Model: The model carries the business logic and information of a
    specific app. It contains a specific entity structure. The same model
    possesses the business logic, remote, model classes, and local
    information sources, and the particular repository.
  • View: View is considered as the visual layer apps that contains
    the UI code. The view forwards the user’s action to the ViewModel.
    Nevertheless, it won’t get the direct response. 
  • ViewModel: ViewModel is the abstract layer app that links the
    View and Model and works like a link between the both. It never knows
    which View should be used, since it does not contain any facility for
    direct connection to the View. Both are connected through data binding,
    and the respective ViewModel records all the modifications that are done
    to the View and enables the necessary modifications to the Model.

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74. Describe Angular authentication and authorization.

The user’s login details are provided to an authenticate API on the
server. Once the credentials are scrutinized by the server, it returns a
JSON web token (JWT), which contains attributes and the information of the
existing user. Next, the user is identified easily through JWT, and this
procedure is called as authentication.

After logging in, users possess different kinds and levels of access—some
will be able to access all, while others might possess restrictions from
some specific resources. Authorization identifies the access level of the
specific users.

75. What do you mean by digest cycle process in Angular?

Angular Digest cycle is the procedure in which the watch list is
scrutinized to track modifications in the watch variable parameter. In
every digest cycle, a comparison between present and past versions of the
specific scope model values.

76. Mention the distinct types of Angular filters?

Filters in Angular assists to format the report to display it to the user.
The filters can be included in services, templates, controllers, and
directives. You also possess the choices to make personalized filters as
per need. These filters permit you to arrange the information smoothly
such that only the information that matches the respective criteria are
shown. Filters are put next to the pipe symbol ( | ) at the time of

Various filters in Angular are aa follows:

currency: It transforms numbers to the format of currency. 

filter: filter selects a subset having items from the array.

date: It transforms a date into a desired format

lowercase: It transforms the provided string into lowercase

uppercase: It transforms the provided string into uppercase

orderBy: It makes an array of result by the provided expression

: It can format any types of objects into a respective JSON string

number: we can change number value into a respective string

: It prevents the limit of a provided string or array to a specific
number of strings or elements.

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77. How can one create a service in Angular?

Service in Angular is considered as an object that we can substitute. It
gets combined and wired with the use  of dependency injection.
Services are made by registering in a module that they should be displayed
in. Following 3 methods are used to create a service in Angular 

3.Angular Advanced Level Questions

78. What do you mean by subscribing in RxJS?

At the time of utilizing observables in RxJS, we have to subscribe to an
observable to utilize the information that moves through that observable.
This information is created from a web publisher and is utilized by a
subscriber. When we subscribe to an observable, we need to pass in a
function for the information and other function for handling of errors so
that, in case some error, we can show some message or send the message in
some procedure.

79. Write about Angular Router?

Routing in a frontend page app is considered as the task of answering to
the modifications in the URL written by adding and eliminating content
from the app.

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80. Explain REST?

in Angular stands for Representational State Transfer. It is such an
API which responses on the instant request of HTTP. Here, the requested
URLs to the information that needs to be processed, after that an HTTP
function is utilized to detect the respective operation that has to be
conducted on the information provided. The specific APIs that follow this
procedure are known as RESTful APIs.

81. Explain scope?

A scope (Angular’s object) refers to the model of application. It will be
a context for displaying expressions. These scopes are arranged in a
hierarchical structure that is equal to the app’s DOM structure. However,
a scope assists in propagating different events and noticing expressions.

82. Explain Angular CLI.

Angular CLI (Angular command-line interface). Angular supports CLI tools
that enable professionals to utilize them to get the components added,
deployment of them immediately, and conduct testing of various functions.

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83. How Can You create directives Through CLI?

  • Begin a new project through Angular CLI command:
  • Now alter the existing directory into a new directory through the
    following command:
  • Once accomplished with altering the directory, utilize the following
    command to produce a new directive:

84. Explain schematic?

Schematics are known as template-based code generators which enable
complex logic. Generally, it is added into collections and it gets
installed with npm. The main objective of schematics is to convert a
software project by producing or altering codes.

85. Do you know rule in Schematics?

Rule in Schematic is utilized to a set function that gets a Tree, converts
it and returns back a new Tree at the end.

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86. What do you mean by Schematics CLI?

Schematics CLI is utilized to convert web apps.

87. Write about HttpClient and mention its benefits?

, an Angular module uutilized for connecting with a backend
service through the HTTP protocol. Generally, in frontend apps, for
forwarding requests, we utilize the fetch API. Neverthless, the fetch API
utilizes promises. We know that Promises are valuable, but they never
offer the better functionalities than observables. Hence, we utilize
HttpClient in Angular since it returns back the information as an
observable, that we will be able to subscribe or unsubscribe to and
conduct various operations through operators. Observables can be changed
to promises, and an observable can be produced from a promise as well.

88. Write about multicasting in Angular?

When we utilize the HttpClient module in Angular to connect with a backend
service and get some information fetched. After fetching the information,
we can broadcast it to different subscribers, in one execution.

This work of answering with information to various subscribers is known as
multicasting. It is particularly useful while we possess different
portions of our apps waiting for some information. To utilize
multicasting, we should utilize an RxJS subject. Since observables are
unicast, they never permit multiple subscribers. Nevertheless, subjects
permit more than one subscribers and are hence multicast.

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89. Do you know directive in Angular?

We use a directive in Angular to expand the syntax and capacities of a
normal HTML display. 

Angular directives possess particular meaning and are realized by the
Angular compiler. The moment when Angular initiates compiling the CSS,
TypeScript, and HTML files into a JavaScript file, it scans through the
whole code and searches for a directive that is registered. In case it
matches any, then the compiler alters the HTML view accordingly.

90. What happens if you do not provide handler for observer?

If we do not provide handler to a notification category, the observer
automatically avoids that type of notifications and the observer instance
can publish value after subscription.

91. Define angular elements?

Angular elements or components are web standards for identifying newly
made HTML elements and are utilized as custom elements. Such custom
elements are also known as Web Components. When we add Angular custom
elements to the DOM tree, they start bootstrapping automatically.

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92. Explain about the browser support of Angular Elements?

Since Angular is built on the latest web platform standards, Angular
elements are supported by Chrome, Edge (Chromium-based), Firefox, Opera,
and Safari and other existing web browsers through  polyfills.
Polyfills make the running of complete Angular apps.

93. Explain the role of SPA in Angular?

SPA (Single Page Application) maintains one index.HTML page, even when the
URL alters constantly. It is easier to develop SPA technology and vary
much quick in comparison to earlier web technology.

94. Explain different kinds of Angular directives.

Following 3 kinds of directives in Angular are available.

  • Components: A component is generally a directive with a specific
    template. It is utilized to define a single user interface through
    TypeScript code, HTML template, and CSS style. When we explain a
    component, we utilize the component with the @ symbol and provide an
    object with a specific selector attribute. Also, the selector attribute
    provides the Angular compiler the HTML tag that the component comes with
    so that, now, when it encounters this tag in HTML, it awares to
    substitute it with the component template.
  • Structural: The Structural directives are utilized to alter the
    format of a view. For illustration, if we want to display or hide some
    information according to some property, we can conduct so through the
    ngIf directive, or if we want to add a list of information in the
    markup, we can utilize ‘*ngFor‘, and so on. The structural directives
    alter the format of the template.
  • Attribute: Attribute directives alter the appearance of an
    element, component, or another directive. They are utilized as the
    attributes of elements. The Directives such as ngStyle and ngClass are
    known as attribute directives.

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95. Mention different kinds of compilers utilized in Angular?

In Angular, we utilize two different kinds of compilers:

  • Ahead-of-time (AOT) compiler
  • Just-in-time (JIT) compiler

Both these compilers are valuable but for quite various purposes.

The AOT compiler helps in creation of a minified development of the whole
codebase, that can be utilized in production. To utilize the AOT compiler,
we need to utilize the ng build command with the ‘–prod blog: ng build

This gives instruction to the Angular CLI to make an optimized production
development of the codebase. This consumes a bit more time as many
optimizations like minification can consume time, but for production
development, this moment can be spared.

On the other hand, the JIT compiler is utilized to compile TypeScript to
JavaScript as web browsers are not able to understand TypeScript and can
understand only JavaScript. This compilation step is conducted in an
environment development, i.e., while less time is required to be consumed
on compilation and more in development to instantly iterate over
characteristics. The JIT compiler is utilized when we utilize ‘ng build
or ‘ng serve’ command to provide local service to the app or create an
uncompressed development of the whole codebase.

96. Write about the main objective of the common Angular module?

The common Angular module is obtained in the package @angualr/common. It’s
a module which encapsulates all the commonly required characteristics of
Angular, like services, directives, pipes, etc. It contains few numbers of
sub-modules like the HttpClientModule, which is obtainable in the
@angular/common/http pack. Due to modular characteristics of Angular, its
functionalities get stored in small self-possessed modules, that can be
imported and added to our projects if we desire these functionalities.

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97. How AngularJS is different from Angular?

  • Architecture
    : AngularJS provides support to the MVC architecture in
    which the model has the appropriate business logic; the view displays
    the information retrieved from the models, and the controller handles
    data interactions between the model and view by retrieving informatiom
    from the data model and forwarding it to the view.

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