Top Opensource ReactJS applications for frontend development

ReactJS can be confusing for beginners when they have just finished with their tutorials on React and started using React in real life projects. Having multiple open source projects as reference can help them write better code.

If you are someone who is in your initial stage of learning React and you need some reference projects, you are at the right place. Open-source React projects can get you a better understanding of how everything works and helps you write better code. Here are some ReactJS applications for content management, task management, iTunes application, Google Maps etc. to showcase how ReactJS can be useful in different use-cases.


Transform plain text into dynamic blogs and websites using the latest web technologies. A React.js static site generator. It supports Markdown, HTML, and React.js pages out of the box. It makes it easy to add support for additional files types. Leverages React Router’s “nested component hierarchy” to make templating incredibly intuitive. All templates, css, and content are hot reloadable — powered by Webpack.

  • Front-end technologies:
  • Packaging components
  • Back-end technologies:


Storyboard is a end-to-end, hierarchical, real-time, colorful logs and stories which is a library, plus a Chrome DevTools extension.


DevHub is a mobile and desktop app to help you manage GitHub Notifications and stay on top of Repository Activities. Save custom searches, apply filters, bookmark items and don’t miss anything important.

  • Front-end technologies:
  • Database:
  • Back-end technologies:


A sample web and mobile application built with Node, Express, React, React Native, Redux and GraphQL. Very basic replica of / (allows users to get monthly subscription of trendy clothes and accessories).

  • Front-end technologies:
  • Packaging components
  • Back-end technologies:

React Slack Clone

Complete chat application built with React with different set of features like public/private chat rooms, realtime sending and receiving messages, drag and drop attachments and much more.

Hackernews React GraphQL

Hacker News clone rewritten with universal JavaScript, using React and GraphQL.

  • Front-end technologies:
  • Packaging components
  • Back-end technologies:


Spectrum is one of the best platform to build any kind of community online by combining the forums and real-time chat apps

  • Front-end technologies:
  • Database:

React Kanban

A Trello-like application built with React and Redux with features like creating and editing new cards, dragging around cards and so on. It also supports GitHub flavored markdown, which enables stuff like headings and checklists on the cards.

  • Front-end technologies:
  • Packaging components


Kutt is a modern URL shortener with support for custom domains. Shorten URLs, manage your links and view the click rate statistics.

  • Front-end technologies:
  • Database:
  • Back-end technologies:


Calypso is the new front-end – a beautiful redesign of the WordPress dashboard using a single-page web application, powered by the REST API. Calypso is built for reading, writing, and managing all of your WordPress sites in one place.

  • Front-end:
  • Back-end technologies:


Sentry provides real-time crash reporting for your web apps, mobile apps, and games. The Sentry package fundamentally is just a simple server and web UI. It will handle authenticating clients (such as Raven) and all of the logic behind storage and aggregation.

  • Front-end:
  • Back-end technologies:


Kitematic is a simple application for managing Docker containers on Mac, Linux and Windows.


Glimpse is an OSS diagnostics platform. It inspects web requests as they happen, providing insights and tooling that reduce debugging time and empower every developer to improve their web applications.

  • Front-end technologies:
  • Packaging components
  • Back-end technologies:


Grommet is an advanced UX framework for enterprise apps developed by HP.


This is a Retrospective Idea board, powering

  • Technologies used:
  • Packaging components
  • Back-end Technologies:


Spectacle is a ReactJS-based presentation library with presenter mode, PDF export, themes, transitions, bg images. It shows you a slide lookahead, current time and your current slide:

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Published in javascript, web-development | Tagged with javascript, open-source, web-development, products

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