Wait, Is Oat Milk Bad For You Now? Nutritionists Have Thoughts

Wait, Is Oat Milk Bad For You Now? Nutritionists Have Thoughts

RDN Sharon Palmer noted that oat milk typically has a lower protein content (about two to three grams) compared to dairy milk or soy milk. 

“Oat milk also tends to be higher in calories and carbohydrates compared to other plant-based milks like almond and soy milk,” Samuels said. “For example, one cup of oat milk has about 100 to 150 calories and 16 to 20 grams of carbohydrates, compared to almond milk, which ranges from 45 from 100 calories per cup, and one gram of carbohydrates.”

RD Barbara Ruhs offered this brand breakdown: “Silk, Chobani and Oatly, which are the leading brands, all have 120 calories per eight-ounce serving, with fewer than three grams of protein and 15 to 18 grams of carbohydrates. Planet Oat has 90 calories and similar levels of protein and carbohydrates.”

Soy milk is a source of isoflavones, “a flavonoid that is special to soy that has a multitude of health benefits, especially for women,” Ruhs said. 

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