We Had “Sex Education” Creator Laurie Nunn React To The Show's Most Iconic Scenes Ever

We Had “Sex Education” Creator Laurie Nunn React To The Show's Most Iconic Scenes Ever

Sam Cleal: Hi Laurie! Now before I give you some iconic Sex Education scenes to react to, I’d love to know how you’re feeling about the series coming to an end.

Laurie Nunn: Yeah, I think I’m still processing it. I’ve been writing this show for nine years – I started working on it in 2014. So I’m just getting used to the idea of not writing these characters anymore, really. But I’m looking forward to people seeing what we’ve come up with for the final series.

SC: Did it ever occur to you to continue the series with a second generation of characters – like Skins did, for instance?

LN: I’ve always felt like I came up with these characters and I feel quite close to them, so I couldn’t really imagine rebooting it in that world. I do think it’s quite a rich universe though, and there’s potential for it to be developed in some way, but maybe not as a new generation.

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