What Are the Best Exterior Paint Colors for Florida Homes?

Home exterior colors matter much more than most homeowners realize. Sure, some people color their homes any old hue and nobody complains.

But as soon as someone else comes by and comments on how a home can look more appealing with certain colors, it makes you wonder why you didn’t think of that first.

The following information will help you settle on specific exterior paint colors for Florida homes that bring out the best qualities of homes.

White or Off-White

White or off-white exterior paint colors are often the best choices for Florida homes due to the sunny Florida climate. These are the perfect shades to add a bright and vibrant look to your home while remaining subtle so neighbors don’t feel overwhelmed. The light colors also keep your beautiful house feeling cool while still showcasing a bright, inviting look.

It is also low maintenance so you won’t have to spend a lot of time and money re-painting. They also pair well with bright, bold shades of color, making your home feel inviting. White and off-white shades of paint are a great option for Florida homes and make for a timeless, classic style.

Pastel Colors

Pastel colors are ideal for Florida homes due to their ability to reflect the sun’s brightness and heat. Not only are these calm colors inviting and soft to the eye. They also contribute to a cooler home temperature and make the exterior of the home easier to maintain.

The lightest hues of colors, such as yellow, pink, green, peach, and blue have the most reflectivity and are a good choice for Florida homes. Added benefits of choosing pastel colors are that they are often easier to touch up, and they don’t absorb as much heat as darker colors.

Light Gray

Light gray is another excellent choice, as it can both showcase and complement classic Southern charm. The delicate hue is perfect for any style of home, from a contemporary urban-looking abode to a traditional cottage.

While it can seem a bit pale compared to other bolder colors, it reflects the intense sunlight beautifully and can appear brighter when given the proper trim color. It also looks great with the abundant sunshine and plentiful foliage that Florida has to offer.

Furthermore, Light Gray will not fade quickly in Florida’s harsh and often rainy weather, making it a great fit for a home exterior.

Beige or Sand Tones

Beige or sand tones are the best colors to paint the exterior of homes in Florida, as these hues tend to resist wear and tear from the hot sun and high humidity that the state is known for. They protect against fading and color change. They also help to keep your home looking beautiful for longer.

Beige and light sand colors can help to open up interior spaces, making them feel airy and light. And, because they are calmer and softer colors, they can bring a sense of relaxation and harmony to outdoor living spaces.

But if you are not sure which color to pick and you happen to be in town, try consulting professionals from Exterior Paintings St. Petersburg.

Explore the Best Exterior Paint Colors for Florida Homes

The best exterior paint colors for Florida homes depend on the style of the house as well as the region of Florida. Consider light, neutral colors such as cream or beige and pops of colors like light green or turquoise. Talk to a professional for more advice and creative painting ideas.

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