What is Book Table and its features?

In this tech era every business turns the head and giving more respect with proper attention towards technologies like Hotel business run it via online or just simply list in Airbnb, Clothing store, Book store and so on enhance the business further online by grand opening of online store. Today we are also going to see more about such on demand table reservation system of restaurants by user similar to ticket booking or seat booking of theatre. This on-demand table reservation system will boost up the restaurant business by reaching right audience in quick manner and generate more revenues for restaurateurs online rather than running in remote area or locality since it will expand the business to bigger.

Book table:

Book Table is an on demand table reservation script which is developed in PHP codeigniter framework with more compact of files which leads to perform the actions in very quick mode of transitions. Many restaurateurs would like to develop their business online by inaugurating the table reservation which would drive many users to book the table online and order food to enjoy any occasions with friends and family. It will be more helpful for all the restaurateurs to list their restaurants by choosing membership plans (silver, Gold and diamond) based on their chosen packages they will get appropriate benefits.


Simple and speed performance:
Due to very compact in file size of codes which are used in the script so it results in high speed performance to the end users whenever they accessing this product.

Responsive design:
It is developed only by considering users of Smartphone, iPhone, iPad, Tablet those who are using other than desktop or PC so it is very compatible for all devices.

Reservation management:
Every reservations can be managed by users, restaurateurs and admin within their respective account dashboard and especially admin would have power to manage everything from backend which are relevant to reservations.

Each and every user can able to do signin/signup process by providing their e-mail Id and password or otherwise go with social media logins by using Facebook, Twitter and Gmail accounts.

Multi language and currency management:
This script is not restricted for specific language, region and currency at all. It supports for all users, restaurateurs globally.

Easy to understand this concept of restaurant booking with table reservations so not needed of much technical knowledge to proceed by normal people as users and restaurateurs.

Multi payment modes:
Familiar online payment methods are available to book and list the restaurants online by using PayPal, Stripe, Braintree, Authorize.Net and PayU (Indian online payment) and on the other side offline payments are also available user could make the payment via (Cash, wire transfer or CC at restaurants).

User end:
From the user end they can able to signin/signup by providing e-mail Id and password or simply by using social media accounts. Then they can search for restaurants which are nearer to their locations and select one from the search. Book it via online by making payments such as PayPal, stripe, Authroize.Net and PayU. After booking of restaurants they will get notified via SMS and e-mail.

Restaurateur activity:
Signin/signup with e-mail Id and password or done via social logins. Then they would need to choose their package (silver, Gold and Diamond) and get benefits based on the chosen package. Then system will allow them list the restaurants online by making the payment for listing fee to admin.

Admin management:
Admin would get responsible and accountable in managing everything from admin panel such as User management, restaurant and restaurateurs management, multi language, currency and payment management, manage booking management and so on.


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