What’s Happening In Season 2 Of Heartbreak High?

Let’s just say a loooooot happened in the final episode of Heartbreak High season one. Here’s a mini refresher:

Starting from the top…

— We finally found out what happened to Harper on the day of the festival to fuel her upset with Amerie. Note: don’t leave your best friend alone at a packed out warehouse festival. 

— Darren confessed to their dad that they “really love” Ca$h. They then expressed their love outside of Ca$h’s grandma’s house, but Darren was rejected. 

— Amerie confronted Ca$h about what happened to Harper on the night of the festival and his friendship with the other Eshays. The guilt forced Ca$h to send evidence of the kidnapping to Harper so she could file the police report. 

— As for the sit-in protest that the SLTs class held for Miss Obah (AKA Jojo), they went without punishment because for once, Hartley High received positive press.

— The sexual tension with Malakai and Amerie was still alive and well.  

— Dusty apologised to Amerie and Harper about how he acted after the threesome between himself, Harper and Malakai. 

— The police showed up to arrest Ca$h but he made a break for it and sprinted to the Hartley High SLTs classroom. He confessed to Darren that he’s loved them since year eight. Their first kiss was rudely interrupted by police officers who ripped Ca$h from Darren’s lips and pinned him to the table to handcuff him.

— To cap it all off, Harper destroyed the head Eshay’s car and then set it alight in the Harry’s Cafe De Wheels carpark. 

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