Woman Gives Inheritance To Stranger Instead Of Kids

Woman Gives Inheritance To Stranger Instead Of Kids

Most people said that the original poster (OP) was not an A-hole.

“They don’t deserve the money. They want the money. There is a difference. I just went no-contact with my parents two to three days ago. I know the odds are that they’ll cut me out of their will. I’m 100% okay with it. Being free of their toxicity is 100% worth giving up what money they may give me… His adult children made choices in life. But now that he’s gone. Now that all of it is said and done. Now that they are demanding money… I would look at them and say ‘Aren’t you quite the gold diggers? You know, your dad never funded my lifestyle. I was wealthy on my own. That’s why I didn’t work. I didn’t need the money.'”


“NTA. First of all, an estate of $25,000 is very small. It’s not the size of an estate that people even normally ask about or fight over. It’s surprising to me that your child and your stepchildren were expecting some windfall when your husband’s total net worth was $25,000. Were they under the impression that your husband had money?

If your husband wanted his kids or your kids to have his estate, he would have left it to them. But he wanted you to have it, and you were well within your rights to gift it to someone who made an influence in your life and for whom it may be a life-changing gift.”


“NTA. $25,000 might make all the difference to a single mom working a waitressing job, but it’s not going to change the life of already well-off kids, particularly split all those ways.”


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