You know Accessing Birdwatch on Twitter is getting more easier

You know Accessing Birdwatch on Twitter is getting more easier

Twitter is a platform that is used by people to stay updated and informed about the news around the world. They need reliable information to help them but sometimes on Twitter, the information can be misleading and not trustworthy. Therefore, Birdwatch is a program that allows tweeters to identify information that they believe is not reliable on Twitter and write notes about that Tweet to provide a sustainable and informative context. This helps the people to get reliable and accurate news rather than misleading information. Birdwatch is a misinformation combating tool to stop the spread of any inaccurate news.

In the help of Birdwatch feature, users can add notes on any Tweet that they think is misleading. Users can rate the notes of other people according to the accuracy of the information provided and they can just check all the notes and ratings and all the information about a tweet through Birdwatch program.

Last week, Birdwatch posted a tweet on Twitter saying that the users can access the Birdwatch from the navigation menu of the Twitter app. Previously if users want to view a Birdwatch comment or have to share a note, they had to search for the Birdwatch URL in the search bar making the whole process a bit longer. But now the option of accessing the Birdwatch from the navigation menu has helped the users to just click on the option to be able to open the Birdwatch feature directly and they can view comments or type notes related to any misleading information or news.

Currently, the Birdwatch short is only available on the Twitter web app. This means that this feature of the Birdwatch option on the navigation menu is only available for the users of a web browser with an active network connection. But the teams and the company of the Birdwatch are working on making the feature available on mobiles and other devices as well. So that the update can help the users to Fact check content easily on any device. Even the feature on the navigation menu of Twitter is limited to a small test group at the moment as Twitter is trying to expand Birdwatch globally so that everyone can take advantage and be able to participate in the crowd-sourced fact checking feature.