You know New research suggests that the impact of updated IDFA prompt on iOS will not be as bad as it is predicted

You know New research suggests that the impact of updated IDFA prompt on iOS will not be as bad as it is predicted

Apple’s upcoming IDFA (Identifier for Advertisers) can be launched on any day, and advertisers are expecting the worst of it. Because the digital marketing industry is predicting that users will turn off data tracking completing with the up-front prompt that will be displayed on applications on iOS devices. Many advertisers companies were not in favor of these changes because according to them, once you give permission to the users, they will never allow you to track their data, After all, they don’t trust marketers and advertisers. The removal of in-app tracking data will affect two things, re-targeting which is based on purchase activities of users, and ascription of conversation based on ad experience.

That’s forced many media consumers to switch up their tactics in provision and can reduce the overall efficacy and response rate of digital ad campaigns. It is no doubt that it will be very difficult for the advertiser to if more users click the option ‘’ Ask App not to track’’ and ultimately, advertises will have a lesser amount of data and that will impact their advertisement strategy. According to Facebook, Apple is making it very difficult for small businesses to survive where they have to rely on a large number of data of users. Imagine if a large number of users actually clicks on the not to track option and we cannot predict right now that how many users can tap this option.

Apps Flyer conducted a survey of more than 300 apps and responses to a new prompt and it has also observed the different responses of the iOS users to more than 13.2 million exposures to the latest IDFA prompts. The results were not much bad as expected for the advertisers, according to data collected from such survey, there are 41% of users are willing to provide them access to their data and this is much better than the expectations of the marketing industry. The opt-in rate fluctuates among different types of apps but the overall average shows that more than half of the users are willing to allow tracking and this means that data tracking of advertisers will not be affected that much as it was expected by the analysts.

However, this is just a rough study due to limited data and you cannot say anything surely before the launch of the IDFA update. Apple is also opposing a group of Chinese companies that have grouped together to bring such an alternative that could have the ability to bypass this IDFA, which is totally against the terms and conditions of Apple Company. This can also put some negative impacts on Apple but it is committed to this new update.